Lady of the snow - Part 1 - Sandor x Reader

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(Y/n) woke. The lady slowly stirring in her bed, as she turned to face the window. She had no idea of the time. She was aware that it was some time in the early hours of the morning, yet the world outside seemed far brighter than it should be. That there seemed to be a sparkle that glistened against the windows. (Y/n) sitting bolt upright as she suddenly realised what it was. Her eyes looking at the patterns on the glass that had been created by the cold.

Quickly she jumped from her bed, not minding the cold as her feet hit the floor. A large smile spreading across her lips as she got to the window and saw the wonderous scene that lay beyond her room. The garden below, the roof tops and everything else, were covered in snow. The most glorious blanket of white she had ever seen. A blanket that sparked like a million diamonds, as the misty light of the great celestial orb high above let its rays fall onto it.

She loved the snow. Admittedly she hadn't seen much of it, the last time being when her sister had forced her to join her when the royal entourage had journeyed beyond the capital to the north. (Y/n) not to happy with the idea, especially when Cersei had said it was because she wanted to show those northerners what real ladies look and dressed like. The younger lioness sure that she was doing it to try and suggest that southerners were better. That they were superior somehow. But, in the end she had gone. And in all honesty, she was glad that she had. She had loved the north. Loved the cold and snow. She had loved the Starks and their loving family. She had come to like Ned very much. Saw a little of herself in Robb and Jon, and with Sansa and Arya she had seen sisters that she wished were her own. And when the family had finally made their way back to the capital, she felt as though she had left a little of herself in Winterfell. A little of her heart in the snow. So, to wake and see the usually dark and dirty Kings Landing looking like this, was like a gift from the gods.

Quickly she moved back to her bed, grabbing the coat that she used to cover her thin nightgown. Pulling it around her shoulders before making her way to the door. Slowly opening the ingress and popping her head outside. Her smile growing broader, as she saw that there wasn't a soul to be seen.

Normally she wouldn't do this. Despite the fact that she was the good sister of the King. Despite the fact that she was the queen's and a Jaime's sister. Despite the fact that her father was Tywin Lannister, she knew that the Keep was a dangerous place. Thieves and the unsavoury waiting for just that moment to strike. For an opportunity to present itself, but she couldn't stay in her rooms; not when the world outside looked so beautiful. So, with a deep breath, she opened the door fully. Sneaking out into the long, dimly lit corridor. The slight crackling of the torches that hung on the walls, the only sound that interrupted the silence that filled the castle.

Quietly, she closed the door to her rooms, and made her way towards the old wooden ingress that would lead her out into the world of white. She knew this way so well. She had made this journey a thousand times. The gardens were her favourite place in the whole of Kings Landing. The lioness able to spend hours just sitting under a tree on her own, as she would read books. As she would watch happy little bumble bees go from one blooming blossom to another. Butterflies flitting in the air. A smile always coming to her lips, when one of the delicate little creatures would land on the pages of the book. As dragonflies darted to and frow. It was one thing that she was grateful to her father for, that he had ensured that her rooms would always overlook the green and tranquil sanctuary. The lady able to feel as though she were there, even if she couldn't get to the gardens in person. (Y/n) quite aware that there were only two things, two people that were allowed to join her as she rested amongst the flowers, those being Tyrion, who would always come with more books; and Sandor, the large man just walking over to her and remaining by her side until the sun began to sink, never saying a word. Just standing dutifully with her.

She had to admit that Sandor confused her. On one hand, he was gruff and crude. He could become angry and aggressive. But then he could, on the odd occasions that he would forget himself, he could be so sweet. So kind. The lioness sure that when he smiled, it was the impossible not to smile back. When he offered his assistance, it was unthinkable to say no. And she also had to admit that she felt a little sorry for him. Not for his scarred visage really, which she herself found made him more interesting, more distinguished, though she did hate that it had happened to him. That his own brother could do something so awful; but more because of the way that others would treat him. As if he were nothing more than an unthinking, unfeeling animal that could do nothing more than kill. And she had been tempted on more than one occasion to slap her nephew for how he spoke to the large man. How he would call him 'Hound' in that awful way that Joffrey had. But of course, she knew better, the atrocious little shit bound to cry and scream like the world was ending. Bound to demand that something was done to her. The lioness rolling her eyes at the thought of it. At the thought of the petulant little fuck pouting like a two year old, while his mother ran around kowtowing to him and doing what ever he wanted while he treated her and the rest of the family like shit.

But now was not the time to think about Joffrey. Now was the time to make her way out into the snow. The lady taking a breath as she got to the old door, slowly reaching up her hand and pushing carefully. The ingress creaking softly, as it crept open. Another large smile making its way across her lips, as her breath came out in clouds that hung around her for a moment before drifting off into the frosty air. A shiver making its way down her spine as she stepped foot into the gardens, the lioness not noticing that she was being watched from the shadows of the Keep, as she made her way out into the icy scene. 

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