Tyrion's protector - Part 5 - Bronn x Reader

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(Y/n) had always prided herself on being intelligent, just like her uncle Tyrion. But even she had to admit that this was the stupidest thing that she had ever done. After all, the only time that she had really ever left the imposing Keep that she had always called home, was when she had been in a carriage on her way out of the city, surrounded by an entourage of heavily armed Lannister Baratheon bannermen as they made their way to the north. She had no idea of what really lay beyond her world, nor did she have any idea where she was going now that she was wandering the streets of the city. The Street of Silk might as well have been on the far side of the moon as far as she was concerned.

Admittedly, she could just go back. She could just go home. But she had already done the hard part, getting past the guards that watched over all the entrances to the castle. That, and as her uncle Jaime had always noted, she was too bloody stubborn, and therefore could not turn back. She had set her sights on going to find her uncle and the sellsword, and that was what she would do.

She had an image in her mind of what she was looking for. Her uncle accidentally having mentioned it on more than one occasion over the years, when he had been slightly worse for wear. But as she wandered through the maze of alleyways, she was beginning to wonder if she would ever find her way back to the Keep, never mind Littlefinger's brothel.

The princess had to admit that she had suddenly realised how sheltered she had been. Despite the fact that her mother hated her, her grandfather had wanted to use her, and her father had usually himself been too drunk or with a whore, to care, the life that she had, was still one of privilege. She had had the best tutors, the finest clothes, the best food and wine and she had never really wanted for anything. Even having found the one thing she had lacked, the love of a parent, in her uncle. So this...............this was a shock. The lady promising herself that she would never grumble about her life again.

"Well hello there.........aren't you a pretty one............a woman suddenly called out from an open doorway. (Y/n) pulling her hood down a little further. Not that she expected any of the people to know who she was; but if someone did, then there would be hell to pay when it got back to the castle. And she could only imagine that being recognised as a woman would cause her all manner of unwanted attention so, it was best to appear like a boy as much as she could.

"You looking for something, handsome...........?" The woman spoke again. (Y/n) stepping forward and hoping to ask of the whereabouts of Baelish's establishment. Her eyes growing wide as she saw what was going on behind the door. The princess doing her best to hide the look of shock that she had felt come over here. The naked bodies of men and women writhing together on the floor was a whole new image for her eyes. She was not foolish enough to not know of what went on between men and woman. The 'what goes where' of the exchange, but she had never actually seen it in practice. Though she had nearly walked in on her uncle and one of his "ladies" once.

"I........er..........." (Y/n) finally said, as she turned her eyes from the goings on beyond the door. Coughing and doing her best to lower her voice as much as she could before continuing.

"I'm looking for the establishment of Lord Baelish..........Could you tell me where it is...........?"

"Oh, aren't you a sweet one.............you off to dip ya wick for the first time? I tell you what, old Littlefingers place will cost ya, his girls aren't cheap. Why don't ya let Marnie here tickle ya fancy for ya. I'll do ya a deal since its ya first time............." The woman chuckled, as she reached out and grabbed the cloak that covered (Y/n). The princess quickly pulling away.

"No! I mean..........that is very nice of you. But..........I'm not..........I've just been sent to find Lord Tyrion. I'm his..........squire............" The doe explained. Marnie sniffing before giving her a smile.

"Well, if ya after the imp, ya want ta go down the rest of this alley until ya get to the end, then go left and carry on up the hill a ways. You won't be able ta miss it. But...........if you ever aren't looking for tha little man, remember where I am..........." Marnie told her. (Y/n) promising that she most definitely wouldn't forget, before racing down the alley.


"What is wrong with you...........?" Tyrion enquired, as he looked over at Bronn. The sellsword having been sat in his chair, nursing the same glass of wine and ignoring the scantily clad young woman that had been sat on his lap whispering sweet nothings into his ear, all evening.

"What.........? Nothin..........nothins wrong with me.........." Bronn replied, as he finished off his now quite warm wine, and shooed off the girl that had been with him.

"Nothing? Now I know that you are lying. Not once have I ever seen you send away a woman, especially one that was promising to do what she was promising." Tyrion chuckled, as he finished his latest drink and poured himself and his own accommodating companion another.

Alright, Tyrion was right. Bronn never would send away a woman, normally. But he wasn't about to tell the little man that he wasn't interested in the whore, because he could only think of a doe. It was a weird sensation. Something he had never felt before. But what he had told (Y/n) was really true, he really did think that he was in love. Not that he was any great expert in that field, but still. He was sure that from what he had heard from others, that this was it.

"Nothin is wrong. I'm just..............I'm just gonna get another drink." Bronn replied as he got to his feet and made his way through the others present to find more alcohol. Hoping that it would take his mind off the young woman that had left him in the dirt of the arena floor.


Marnie had been right, (Y/n) couldn't miss the place. The door to the establishment suddenly opening and a rather shaky, large man appearing, being escorted out by two women dressed in little more than their skin. The princess quickly moving behind them, and into the brothel.

She had to admit that the place was a little, well...........gawdy for her taste. There were comfortable couches and heavy red fabric hanging from the walls and pictures of scenes of an erotic nature dotted here and there. It was trying to be more than it actually was if someone was to ask her, but what did she know, this was her first brothel.

Quickly, and as inconspicuously as she could (Y/n) made her way further in. A young woman smiling at her, as she moved up to the place where the drinks seemed to be coming from.

"Can I get you anything..............?" The girl asked. The doe judging that she was barely older than she was. (Y/n) just about to say something before someone behind her interrupted.

"This one doesn't want anything. In fact, they're just about to leave." The voice said. The lady's arm being grabbed, before she was pulled back into the street. 

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