Persuade me - Part 3 - Ramsay x Reader

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He had been watching her all evening. The new Lord Bolton smiling at her occasionally, as he and her father made small talk. She had dressed in the most conservative gown that she had brought with her; hoping that the fact that her form was now covered, would mean that Ramsay would find something else to look at. But she had quickly found that the opposite was true. The fact that now the majority of her flesh was concealed, seemed to intrigue him all the more; (Y/n) feeling as though he was undressing her with those dark eyes. That he was imagining doing all manner of things to her. It as if he had taken her actions as some kind of challenge; a challenge that it was obvious he wasn't about to back down from.

Under other circumstances, she might have been flattered by his attentions. Flattered by the way that he looked at her. He was after all, quite a handsome man; but as it was, his gaze was proving to feel anything but flattering. It scared her; how could it not. He was a man that took delight in the flaying the skin from the bodies of others. He was a man that had not only plunged a knife through his own father's heart; but had then gone on to let his hounds maul not only his father's wife, Walda, but also his baby brother. The mere thought of it making her feel sick to her stomach. Yet she wasn't about to let him see that. Wasn't about to show him how disgusted she was. The lady sure that he would quite enjoy the idea of her being afraid of him. That he would get some strange thrill out of it, of knowing that he was having such an effect on her.

"So, my lord..............." Her father began, as he wiped the corners of his mouth. His voice shaking the thoughts from his daughter's mind.

"I was just wondering whether you had had a chance to think about what we spoke of earlier..............." The older man continued. (Y/n) noticing the breath catch in her father's throat, as Ramsay turned to look at him.

"What we spoke of earlier.............?" The young lord Bolton countered. It obvious that he was trying to pretend that he had completely forgotten what the older man and he had spoken about previously.

"Our..........our need for some of your men, my lord; to help protect us from the groups of mercenaries and sellswords............."

"Oh, that. Yes, yes, of course. Well, I have taken some time to think about your request, Lord Corrad, and I am afraid that I don't think that I can oblige you............"

"But my lord. These men are getting bolder and bolder..........villages nearby are being burned.................."

"I am sure they are, Lord Corrad. But I have to think of my men. It is one thing for them to die in service of House Bolton; but to be sent off and perhaps die because you are incapable of protecting your own home and lands, is a very different matter............" Ramsay explained, before he pushed his chair away from the table, and got to his feet.

"Now, if you will excuse me, I will wish you both a good night. I am sure that you would like to be on your way early in the morning. And lady (Y/n), it was a delight to meet you...............perhaps we will meet again, under more salubrious circumstances." He continued, as he reached over and took (Y/n)'s hand; kissing her knuckles softly, before making his way out of the room; leaving both (Y/n) and her father in a stunned silence.


(Y/n) paced her room. Her father had been shocked by Ramsay's decision; but she had to confess that she wasn't. It suited what she knew of the atrocious young man. Have her and her father make the journey all the way to Winterfell. Sit there and listen while her father begged him for help, before throwing it back in his face. The lady sure that the bastard had laughed about what he had done, all the way back to his own rooms. But even though (Y/n) liked the idea of leaving the castle that had once been one of her favourite places to visit; filled with many people that she had loved. Of getting as far away from Ramsay Bolton as she could; she knew that she had to do something. She couldn't just leave without trying to help her father. She knew what he had done to try and protect the villages that surrounded their ancestral home. She knew of the sleepless nights that he had spent, worrying about how he would not only protect the small folk that looked to him; but also, her. The lady stopping and taking a deep breath, as she realised what she had to do. That she would have to go and find the new lord. That she would have to hope that he would allow her an audience, and then listen as she did her best to explain how much they really did need his help. That she might prove to be a little more persuasive than her father. That despite everything, there might be something more to Ramsay Bolton. (Y/n) praying that under all that wickedness, there might be some softer feelings, even a heart. The lady making her way to the door of her room, and then out into the corridor.


Ramsay sat in his chair, nursing a glass of wine; his eyes focused on the flames that danced in the hearth. He had so enjoyed being able to deny the older man. To throw his request right back in his face. Ramsay not foolish enough to believe that Corrad felt any sense of loyalty to either himself or his House. That if given the chance, he would not betray him; kill him in the name of the Starks. Ramsay aware of how close Eddard and his family had always been to Corrad, his wife and daughter.

Suddenly there was a soft knock at the door, a small smile creeping across his lips, as he sat up straighter in his chair. Ramsay having a feeling that the late-night visitor would be the one that he hoped to see. The one that could make the night a very interesting one.

"Come!" He called out. His smile getting all the broader, as the door opened.

"Ah, Lady (Y/n). How can I help you...................?" 

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