Home again - Part 6 - Jaime x Tyrion x Reader

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(Y/n) and Tyrion couldn't help but look at one another and laugh, as Jaime asked the same question as his brother had when he had made his way into the arena. Jaime furrowing his brows at their amusement, as he made his way over to join them.

"Did I say something funny...............?"

"No. Not at all. It just appears that you and I had the same idea, brother." Tyrion replied, as he took the wooden practice sword from (Y/n)'s hand.

"Just so long as you don't ask me if I wouldn't prefer a walk in the gardens." The ward added, as she walked over and pulled her sword from the ground, before slowly pushing it back into its sheath.

"Well........wouldn't a walk in the gardens be better...................?"

"No Jaime, it wouldn't. As I told Tyrion, walks in the garden are for ladies that waste their days gossiping, eating lemon cake and sewing. If you don't remember, I never did any of those things, despite your father's insistence on me learning these womanly ways. And your sister's teasing that I made the most terrible of women and would never find a man that wanted me. As far as I am concerned, you can never have enough of fighting. My time on the battlefield made me feel more alive than I ever have. War needs the soldier, as much as the soldier needs the war. For the closer that death comes, the more you appreciate it when you survive. Its arms surround you when you are knee deep in blood, mud and gore. Fear holds you tight to its breast, as you watch all those around you fall to the sword or the arrow. And then, as the chaos finally dies away, and you are left standing. As the noise of death becomes an eerie silence that is filled with nothing but the sound of the crows that pick at the eyes of the dead. It is then that you feel it, as you fall to your knees and thank whatever god you pray to for letting you see another dawn. A feeling more exquisite than any that anything else could give you. A feeling said to be more perfect than any lover hands, lips or body could instil in you. Surly you should remember that, Jaime? But, as I have never been lucky enough known the touch of a lover, as your sister foretold I wouldn't, I can only take others at their word. And I will simply continue to fight." (Y/n) continued, as she moved to stand in front of the golden lion. Her eyes looking deep into his.

"Now, if you two would excuse me. I promised Sandor that I would go and find him." (Y/n) added, before turning and making her way to leave. But not before placing a kiss to Tyrion's cheek.

"Fight me!" Jaime called out. A small smile pulling at the corners of his lips, as (Y/n) stopped dead in her tracks.

"If you are so desperate for the fight, then why not fight me.............?" He continued. Jaime knowing that this was not what he had planned, but at least it would mean that (Y/n) wouldn't leave. And perhaps when it was over, he could also show her that a lovers touch really could be more wonderful than a battlefield.

"What.........? Me fight a Kingsguards? I cannot imagine that the queen would want you fighting. That she would allow you to lower yourself to fight the likes of me. A common soldier. She keeps you here in Kings Landing so that you don't have to face death. So that battle will not spoil those pretty looks of yours. A white cloaked, mollycoddled lapdog, that rushes to his mistresses every beck and call." (Y/n) replied, as she turned and made her way back over to him.

"But the queen is not here. And what Cersei doesn't know, doesn't hurt the rest of us. So, unless you are scared to fight this white cloaked, mollycoddled lapdog, as you call me................."

"Scared of fighting you? Other's may fear the Kingslayer, but I don't. So, if you want a fight, lets fight................." (Y/n) told Jaime, as she moved away and pulled her sword back into the light. The tip of the blade pointing at his chest.

"And there will be no wooden swords here. A Kingsguard deserves only a real blade." The ward continued. Tyrion shaking his head and quickly moving out of the way, as Jaime drew the Oathkeeper from its sheath.

"And I will do you the same honour." Jaime smiled, as he placed the edge of his blade against hers.


"What's going on?" Tyrion heard from behind him. The little lion looking up to see that Bronn had come to join him in the seats. The two watching as Jaime and (Y/n) almost seemed to dance around the arena. The sound of metal on metal filling the air.

"Oh, you know. (Y/n) was in love with Jaime, and she left because he took the oath. But she's back now because she couldn't get over him and is still in love with him. Jaime, I believe, is as much in love with (Y/n), as she is with him, yet for some reason, probably my sister, he never got to tell her. And now they have decided to fight to prove that they do love one another, or don't love one another. That they are better with the blade than the other..........I don't know. That part is still a little confusing." Tyrion explained matter of factly, as he continued to watch the fight.

"Ah. Thought it might be something like that." The sellsword replied. Tyrion chuckling to himself as Bronn took a seat next to him.

"This is why I will stick to giving Baelish your gold. Ya never have ta fight a woman fa a fuck if ya paying her. Who's winning anyway............"

"That is very true. And as far as wining is concerned, I would say that its (Y/n). I think that my brother has spent far too long as a Kingsguard. He is a little out of practice. But for a white cloaked, mollycoddled lapdog, I still think that he's doing quite well.............."

"A what............?" Bronn interrupted, as he heard the unusual, but to his eyes at least, quite apt description of the Kingslayer.

"A white cloaked, mollycoddled lapdog that rushes to his mistresses every beck and call. It was what (Y/n) called my brother before they started all this foolishness............"

"And how long have they been at it?" Bronn enquired. The sellsword knowing that he was going to have to remember that slight against the Kingsguard and possibly use it himself.

"Too long. I was hoping............." Tyrion began. The rest of his words disappearing as he saw his brother fall to his back. The tip of (Y/n)'s sword placed against his throat.

"STOP!" Came an order. (Y/n), Tyrion and Bronn all turning to see Cersei make her way into the arena with Gregor behind her. Jaime quickly getting to his feet as his sister's footfalls came to a halt.

"I had heard that you had returned." Cersei hissed disdainfully, as she scowled at the bowing ward.

"Yes highness. I got back.................."

"What do you think that you are doing fighting against a Kingsguard? You......."

"It was me. (Y/n) didn't want to, but I forced her hand by insisting." Jaime interjected, as he came to stand in front of (Y/n). Doing his best to shield her from the murderous glare of his sister.

"Well..........don't let it happen again. I do not wish to see Kingsguards fighting like a common soldier with a simple ward. Now, I have need of you." Cersei replied. Giving (Y/n) one last hate filled gaze before she turned and made her way out of the arena. Jaime making to follow. The Golden Lion finding his arm caught, as he moved away from (Y/n).

"I don't need you to protect me from that vile, venom filled, witch of a sister of yours, Jaime. I never have done. But it would appear that you need her to protect you from me. Now, scurry along little lapdog. Your mistress called." (Y/n) said quietly, before letting Jaime's arm going. The ward turning her back and making her way over to where she saw Tyrion and Bronn watching. Jaime realising that yet again his sister had come between him and (Y/n). That now was not the time to ask the beautiful ward what he wanted to ask her. The Kingsguard turning and slowly making his way to find his sister. 

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