The bet - Part 2 - Bronn x Tyrion x Jaime x Reader

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(Y/n) perused the shelves. She was sure, that despite the number of books in the library, that she had already read most of them. The lady just hoping that she could find something quickly, so that she could get out of there, and back to her rooms.

In the past, she would have jumped at the chance to sit and talk with Tyrion. They would have spent all day just chatting about everything and nothing. About what they had read, or something new that they had learned; even about the others that called the Keep home, making fun of his sister and father in particular. But it seemed to her as though the old spark would be missing. As if in truth, he would rather be other places, with other people.

"This is a good un............" Someone suddenly said, (Y/n) turning to see Tyrion's sellsword smiling at her, offering her a book. The lady gratefully taking it.

"Yes, it is, you're right. But I am afraid that I have already read it." She said, after looking at the book for a moment. The lady smiling, before handing it back and turning her attention once more to the filled shelves.

"Why didn't ya want to sit with tha little man............?"

"I beg your pardon...................?"

"Is it cos ya like him? Afraid ya won't be able ta control yourself.........?"

"Has anyone ever told you that you are a very rude man............?"

"Aye, lots a times. Maybe it's more cos ya don't think that ya can compete with the whores fa his affections.............." Bronn continued, his cheek suddenly stinging and red as the lady's hand connected with his face.

"You should really learn to keep your opinions to yourself. Uneducated guesses about people's motives, can get you in trouble, sellsword; especially here in the Red Keep. People have had their heads taken from their bodies for saying less than that to the wrong people. Now, as I said, I have plans.............." (Y/n) retorted angrily. Bronn watching as she stormed off.

"(Y/n)? What...........?" Tyrion called out, as his old friend moved quickly passed him, without saying a word. It the first time that he had ever seen her look so angry. The heavy wooden door to the library even slamming, as she left the room.

"What did you say to her..........?" The little lord enquired harshly, as Bronn sauntered back over to him, sitting back in his chair and propping his feet up on the small tables in front of him.

"I just offered her a book........................"

"A book? (Y/n) is the calmest, sweetest lady that I have ever met. She is not prone to sudden outbursts of anger, especially if just offered a book! Now, what did you say..................?" Tyrion continued, doing his best to stay as calm as possible, himself.

"I just asked her why she didn't want ta talk ta ya. Asked her if it was cos she liked ya; if she thought she couldn't complete with tha women from tha brothel............."

"YOU DID WHAT? In the name of the gods................" The youngest Lannister shouted in disbelief, as he got down from his chair and made his way over to the door. Bronn getting to his feet so that he could follow.

"Oh, no, no, no, you stay here; go anywhere else, but with me. I have to find (Y/n) and apologies for what you said. I know that you would do anything to win the bet that we made, but this................The bet is off............" Tyrion continued, glaring at the sellsword before going to find (Y/n).


(Y/n) ran through the corridors, tears streaming from her eyes as she quickly made her way back to her rooms. All she wanted to do was get away. All she wanted to do was lock herself up and never be seen again. How dare that man talk to her like that. Who did he think he was? She should have done more than slap him. If she were stronger, tougher, if she had been able to fight, she would have challenged him. She would have fought him and made him take back what he had said. But the worst thing, the very worst thing about all of this, was that he had been right; he had been right about everything.

Perhaps it would be better if she were to get away from the capital, if she were to just run away and try to start anew somewhere else. But she wasn't a fool, she knew that the world beyond the protective walls of the Keep was a dangerous place, and she had not been raised to know how to guard herself against those dangers. That, and she had nowhere else to go. No family, no friends, well..........apart from Tyrion and.............

Suddenly she bumped into someone. The lady feeling their arms wrap around her before she could fall. (Y/n) finding herself resting her head on a strong chest, for at this moment, she didn't care who it was; all she needed was someone to cling to as she cried.

"(Y/n)..........what's wrong?" A familiar voice asked. The lady looking up, just able to make out through her tears that she had actually run into the only other person that she would call a friend. The only man that Tyrion could call a friend too..............


"Are you alright..............?" The Kingsguard continued, as (Y/n) just buried her head back into his chest. The golden lion feeling unable to do anything but stand there and hold her.

Jaime had always liked (Y/n). He had always liked how she was good to his brother; that she spoke up for Tyrion and was always there when he needed someone. In fact, he had always thought that (Y/n) and Tyrion would be wed; and perhaps if he had not orchestrated the whole "rescuing" Tysha thing, and Tyrion hadn't married the girl, then that might have come to something. Jaime sure that his father would have approved of a match with the beautiful lady. But, as it was, things had got out of hand, and now his brother seemed to have given up on the idea of real love; choosing instead to turn to liaisons with other prostitutes.

"Is it Tyrion............?" Jaime asked. Confused when he felt (Y/n)'s head shake and nod.

"Come, I'll take you somewhere a little more private than this, and we can talk." The older lion told her, sure that if (Y/n) was this upset, then it must be something to do with his brother. Jaime carefully and slowly leading the still sobbing woman towards his rooms. 

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