Tyrion's protector - Part 6 - Bronn x Reader

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Bronn made his way past the other men and the women that were draped over them. The sellsword directing himself towards the bar. Perhaps if he got just drunk enough, he would be able to forget about the doe for long enough so that he could enjoy what he had come down here to enjoy. Or perhaps it would allow him to imagine that the whore was the lady? He had to admit, that at this moment, either way worked for him.

Suddenly the sound of the front door being thrown open alerted him. Bronn shaking his head, as he watched two of the girls assist a rather large, unsteady man out into the street. But it was something else that truly caught his eye. It was the smaller figure that made their way behind the trio and into the brothel that intrigued him. The cloak and hooded form making their way to the bar.

The sellsword might not know as much as Tyrion did. Might not have read as many books, or any books at all for that matter. But there were a few things that he did know. He knew when someone was out of place. He could detect the signs of nervousness. And most of all, he knew a woman when he saw one. And that odour of very expensive perfume that had just wafted in along with the figure, told the sellsword that this person definitely didn't belong in a place like this. Bronn quickening his step as the person got to the bar.

"Can I get you anything..............?" Bronn heard the girl ask, as he quickly moved to the cloaked visitor's side.

"This one doesn't want anything. In fact, they're just about to leave." The sellsword interrupted, before grabbing an arm and pulling the person back into the street.


"Get off me..........Get off me.............." (Y/n) hissed, as Bronn pulled her out of the brothel and down one of the alleyways. Pushing her up against the wall before pulling down her hood.

"What are ya doin here? How did ya get passed the guards? Don't ya know how dangerous it is down here? People will slit ya throat fa even looking at em in a way they don't like. And if they found out ya were a woman.............there are things worse than death ya know............." Bronn chastised, as he held the tops of her arm tightly. Doing his best to emphasize his points without doing any harm.

"Firstly, you would have to be a complete halfwit not to be able to get past most bannermen. At this time of night, the majority of them can barely still stand and can't see what's going on past the end of their noses. Secondly, I did not come down here without my sword and dagger, I am not that foolish. And thirdly.............I have already seen things down here that have opened my eyes, and if any man thinks that he could force that on me.........well he would find that he wasn't a man for very much longer..........." The lady huffed, as she did her best to remove Bronn's hands from her arms. The sellsword giving in, as he finally let go, but choosing instead to place his arms on either side of her just in case.

"I...........am here because.................."


"Because..............I thought if I familiarised myself with this side of my uncle's life then I would be able to protect him even here. And he wouldn't need you any more................"

"Ya really want rid of me that bad............?" Bronn questioned, as he slowly reached up and pushed a few loose stands of her hair back behind her ear. His fingertips softly ghosting over her cheek. The sellsword smiling slightly as she let out a soft noise.

"It's not that..................I don't want...........its just.........its just that you will never protect him like I will. What you do, you do because he pays you handsomely for your services. It means that you get to enjoy the finest wines, the best food, have a roof over your head and enough gold in your purse to pay any of those girls to do whatever you want. I on the other hand do what I do, because I love my uncle. I would die to protect him, if I had to. Could you say the same..............?"

"But why would ya do that.........? He's ya uncle I know but............."

"No! He is more than my uncle. So much more. My mother despises me, my father was always too drunk or too busy with one of his mistresses or multitude of whores to even remember I existed. Tyrion.............Tyrion has always been there for me. He is my father, mother and best friend all rolled into one. And I............I don't want you to take my place............." (Y/n) confessed, as she looked up at the sellsword. A few tears slowly making their way down her cheeks. Bronn reaching up his hand once again, and carefully brushing away the salty droplets with his weathered thumb.

He had never thought about it that way. He knew that the pair cared for one another a great deal, but now.............now he could see that the love the little man had for his niece, was more like that of a father for a daughter. That there was something special between the lion and doe. Both of them better when they were together. Two children unwanted by a parent. Both having a soft spot for the cripples, bastards and broken things of this world. Though the idea of (Y/n) being jealous of him, did make him want to chuckle. The only jealousy he normally had to deal with, came from irate husbands or fathers once they found out that he had been sleeping with their wives or daughters.

"Stay or go, I'm never gonna replace ya in the eyes of the little shit. I've never seen a man prouder than ya uncle was today when he watched ya with ya bow. Now, lets get ya back where ya belong..........." Bronn explained, as he grabbed her hand and went to pull her further along the alley.

"What..........? No! I have come this far. I should learn about these things......." (Y/n) protested, as she dug her heals against the cobbled stones. The sellsword sighing and shaking his head, before turning to look at her.

"Aye, you have come this far. And believe me, I'd be happy ta teach you as much as ya want ta know. But learning about things like this down here is not what ladies are meant to do. This ain't no place fa you, now come on........."

"I beg to differ.........I have already been propositioned once this evening. I was told that if I wished to dip my wick, or have my fancy tickled............"

"Do ya know what that even means.............?" Bronn enquired, unable to stop himself from laughing at the comment. Sighing yet again, as the lady peeled his fingers from her wrist and stood up straight.

"Again.........Bronn, I am not an idiot. I have never heard those precise terms before, but yes, I know what the lady meant. Admittedly, I do not have the wherewithal to accomplish those things, but still...........Now, if you will excuse me, I was about to get a drink.............." (Y/n) replied, before turning to go back towards the brothel. A loud squeal leaving her lips as she suddenly found herself hoisted into the air and thrown over Bronn's shoulder. The sellsword holding her tight as he quickly made his way down the alley and back towards the Keep. 

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