The great pretender - Part 6 - Petyr x Reader

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"Took you long enough." A voice called out, as (Y/n) made her way into her rooms.

"I thought that you might have changed your mind and decided to join your husband................."

"And I thought that you and Bronn would still be drinking all the wine that father had supplied for the evening. But it appears that we were both wrong, now doesn't it?" (Y/n) retorted, as she grabbed the glass from her younger brother's hand and downed the contents, before throwing the empty vessel back at him.

(Y/n) knew that to get the annulment of her marriage when the time was right, it would be best to have others with her at all times. That she should never give Petyr a chance to get so close; to never allow him to get her alone so that he could claim that an annulment on grounds of non-consummation was invalid. And who better to help her do that, than her siblings and perhaps a sellsword. For despite the amount of gold and time that the two men currently in her room, spent in Baelish's brothel, neither wanted to see (Y/n) with the whoremonger. Bronn in fact, quite liking the idea of being with her, himself. That, and there was always more than one place on the Street of Silk where a man could pay to have his needs taken care of.

"Father isn't going to like this.............."

"Since when have you, of all people, cared about what our father likes or doesn't like? I don't like the fact that I was sold to Baelish. So, it would appear that both of us don't like this situation, wouldn't it? And anyway, what father doesn't know, doesn't hurt my plans, now does it?" The lioness interpreted, as she accepted a full glass of wine from Bronn.

"And it took me so long to get here, because Baelish thought that it would be a good idea to confront me. He grabbed my wrist, and I had to use one of the little techniques that Bronn showed me, to persuade him that it wasn't a good idea for him to place his hands on me. Which is something I must thank you for Bronn. There was something quite satisfying about seeing that man doubled over, gasping for air." (Y/n) continued, as she raised her glass in salute to the sellsword.

"So, now what...........?" Tyrion asked, as he glared at the grinning Bronn. The little lord knowing full well that Bronn was more than a little interested in his sister.

"That is simple, my dear brother. I make Baelish's life a misery. Now I make him look like an impotent fool. Show the whole of Kings Landing that just because he can get it up for his whores, doesn't mean that he can handle a lioness. The mockingbird incapable of standing to attention when faced with a woman that can fight back." (Y/n) chuckled, as she raised her glass in salute.

"So, here's to my wedding day. Here's to my husband. And here's to making his life a living hell." The lioness announced. Tyrion and Bronn raising their own glasses before taking a drink.


Petyr made his way through the corridors of the Red Keep. He had been looking for his new bride since he had creeped out of his rooms early in the morning, doing his best not to be seen by prying eyes. Yet everywhere he had searched, there had been not a sight or sound of the lioness, Petyr sure that this was all part of her plan. That little things like this, the two of them never being seen together, and he being forced to face the humiliation of spending his nights alone, would make others question whether their marriage was a real one. Would cause all manner of rumour and speculation to spread around the great castle.

He had always known that (Y/n) was no fool. That she was far smarter than anyone really should be. But Petyr had made up his mind to do all he could to get her onto his side. To show her that he had not just married her to get himself one step closer to the throne. To increase his own power and position. He had actually married her, because he loved her. He had married her, because he hoped that one day, she might love him in return.

Petyr stopped in his tracks, as he made his way out into the gardens. The Master of Coin feeling his shoulders slump slightly, as he caught sight of Varys walking arm in arm with (Y/n). Petyr having to admit that he wasn't surprised. His nemesis and the lioness had always got along. And if she really did want to humiliate and undermine him, who better than Varys to help her do that.

Taking a deep breath, the whoremonger straightened himself. Brushing off his robes before he made his way further into the gardens. Petyr striding confidently over to where (Y/n) and the Master of Whispers had stopped to inspect some fully blooming flowers.

"Ah, Lord Baelish. You look a little pale this morning. Did you not sleep well? I myself slept superbly, despite the fact that my brother and Bronn seemed to be in my rooms all night. It must have been all the excitement of the day." (Y/n) said, as she and Varys turned to look at Petyr. The Master of Coin doing his best to smile, as Varys and his wife waited expectantly for an answer.

"I slept well, thank you. My pallor is due to the fact that I haven't been able to find my wife. I was worried................."

"You have been looking for me? Oh, I am afraid that I have had things to do. And then I bumped into Lord Varys who was kind enough to ask if I would like to go for a walk. We have been having quite the most interesting conversation." (Y/n) explained. Petyr not having to have been with them to know what that conversation was probably about. And given the look on Varys' face, he knew he was right.

"Well, perhaps Lord Varys would allow me to steal you away from him. I think that it would be nice if you and I could spend some time alone together..........."

"As nice as I am sure that would be, Lord Baelish. I'm afraid that I have to go and speak with my father. And then the queen wishes me to have tea with her and the children. But perhaps I could find some time later? I am sure though, that you yourself have other things that you need to attend to. I am sure that the ladies in your brothel have missed not seeing you for the last few days. Perhaps one of them would like to spend some time alone with you. After all, it wouldn't be the first time, would it? Now, if you will excuse me, one doesn't keep my father waiting. Lord Varys, would you be kind enough to escort me to the Tower of the Hand...............?"

"Of course, Lady Lannister. It would be my pleasure." Varys agreed. The Master of Whispers offering the lioness his arm again, before the pair made their way past Petyr. The Master of Coin left standing alone. His mind racing. Petyr knowing that if he was really to get what he wanted. If he was to know (Y/n) in every sense, he would have to come up with a plan of his own. And it better be a good one. 

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