The old lion and the doe - Part 6 - Tywin x Reader

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(Y/n) always prided herself on not being one quick to anger. The new Lady Lannister often believing that getting angry was a waste of good energy. That those that let their tempers get the better of them, were usually all smoke and no fire. Often too afraid to back up their words with any kind of action. No, she had always found that being cool and calm in those kinds of situations, could be far more intimidating than growling and beating at your chest. A hint at what you were capable of, at what you were prepared to do if someone crossed the line, far more productive than out and out threats. But at this moment, she could feel the ire within her.

Cersei was an arrogant fool. A short sighted, self-centered, petty, vindictive woman, who believed that she was far more intelligent than she was. A woman too quick to burn bridges and break alliances; too quick to blame others for her own mistakes. The queen never able to see the big picture; to play the long game. Too conceited to acknowledge that she was too unskilled to ever truly manipulate friend or foe. But she, oh, she was a very different creature.

(Y/n) was aware of her new husband's attitudes to women; that they were born to wed well and bare children, and that conservative view had been one of the things that had led to Cersei being as she was. A woman that had never been taught how to really rule, how to be a true queen. Yet that was not the case as far as she was concerned. Just like the women of House Tyrell, she knew all about politics; her uncle, and even her father, ensuring that she was provided with only the best tutors that had trained her from a young age to know not only how to deal with other members of the nobility; but also, the smallfolk. That had taught her to know that the game was not over until she was the victor. And all that was why she didn't fear her husband's only daughter. Why, despite the power that Cersei believed she wielded, only one of them would win; and it most certainly wouldn't be the queen. All (Y/n) having to do, was to continue to keep her cool.

Finally, she arrived at the door to Tywin's rooms in the Tower of the Hand. For a moment, she thought to knock; chuckling at the notion that he would shout out for the visitor to go away, as he had done before. So, instead, she would make her way in quietly, and try and surprise him. The new Lady of Casterly Rock, slowly pushing on the door, doing her very best to not make a sound, as she entered the room.

She couldn't help but smile, as she looked at the scene; there he was, the feared old lion, sat at his desk going through the piles of parchments. His brows furrowed in concentration. He was such a handsome specimen; a man, that no matter what, carried himself with a regal barring. And if it were gold that made kings and not wars, then (Y/n) would most certainly find herself a queen. That, and despite his age, her lion had most defintely not left her wanting. The niece of the king sure that her husband was still as virile as a man half his age.

Quickly, but still quietly, (Y/n) moved into the long shadows that seemed to dominate the room. The lady slowly pulling on the strings that held together her bodice, as she continued to watch the older man. She truly wanted to surprise her husband, to remind him again, of some of the reasons that he had married her. Her body beginning to ache, as the material fell away from her form. To heat, as she imagined the look on his face, when she finally showed herself. Her fingers ghosting over her now bare breasts, as visions of the lion knocking everything from his desk so that they could make love, filled her mind. The breath catching in her throat, as the coolness of the room kissing her flesh, when the rest of her gown dropped to the floor. The lady sure that she couldn't wait too much longer, before she showed herself.


Tywin looked up, there had been a noise, he was sure of it. Admittedly he had been too caught up in his work to notice anything else; but there had definitely been a noise. A noise, though quite subtle, had been enough to catch his attention.

"Who's there.............?!" The old lion demanded to know, positive that there was someone with him in the room, despite the fact that he had not heard a knock.

"Show yourself............" The Hand called out again, as he got up from his chair. His eyes growing wide, as out of the long shadows appeared a figure. Tywin feeling his cock instantly harden, as his new bride moved into the light of the flickering torches, as naked as the day that she was born.

"(Y/n), what....................?"

"I believe that it is time that you thought of something other than the affairs of the kingdom, my love. That you thought of something other than organising the celebration for our wedding.........." (Y/n) began, as she took step after step closer to the older man. Tywin in turn coming out from behind his desk. A smile pulling at the lady's lips, as she saw the affect that she was having on her husband.

"So, you thought that you would appear naked in front of me, to ensure that I do............?"

"Yes, and my plan appears to be working perfectly................" The lady added, as she came to a stop right in front of Tywin. (Y/n) slowly taking the lions hand and bringing it to her lips. A growl coming from deep within the older man, as she took one of his fingers into her mouth and began to suck.

" is..........." Tywin agreed, before he pulled her to him. The old lion more than happy to have his wife help him forget about everything else but her.

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