Things we do for love - Part 1 - Theon x Ramsay x Reader

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First part of a request for Eleanor_Lynx. Hope you all enjoy.

(Y/n) sat quietly in the room. Her eyes firmly on the floor. Doing her best to not look up at the men that were across from her. This wasn't her. And both men knew it. She was a wolf. Never one to be so meek and mild. Never one to shy away. Never one to back down. But she was also no fool. She knew that if she did something that Ramsay didn't like, then it wouldn't be just her that suffered. It would be Sansa. It would be the people in Winterfell that were still loyal to her family. He would do more harm to the man, who, even though she still hated him for what he had done, for how he had betrayed not only her family, but also her, she still loved. But most of all, it would be the child that was growing inside. He would take from her the child of her husband, Theon Greyjoy. The man that the bastard of the Dreadfort had already tortured and turned into the snivelling creature that he now called Reek. The creature that currently was shaving his new lord and master.

She knew that she should have run when he had betrayed Robb. When he had taken Winterfell from Bran. But how could she? Theon was her husband. The man she loved. The father of the child in her belly. And she had foolishly hoped that she could bring him to his senses. Yet once his men had betrayed him, she had been unable to escape. Unable to get away from the Bolton's. And now with Sansa being back at the castle. With her time nearly due, she had no choice but to stay. To ensure that her younger sister and her child survived this horror.

"Beautiful, isn't she?" Ramsay suddenly asked, as he looked between Reek and (Y/n). His pet faltering for a moment. The razor placed at Ramsay's throat. Reek's hand shaking slightly, as he did his best not to look at his wife. Not wanting to think about what the bastard would do to her if he did. Thoughts of what Ramsay had done to other women racing through his mind. Of what he might do to their child.

Despite the fact that he had betrayed the only family that he had known. Betrayed his best friend and sided with his father. Theon had tried to convince himself that he had done all that he had, not just for himself, but for (Y/n) and their child. That the first born of the kraken and the she wolf, would not only rule over the Iron Islands, but also the north. And even though she had told him how much she hated him for his betrayal. How much she wanted nothing more to do with him. She had remained at Winterfell with him. In truth, staying too long. His men's betrayal making it impossible for him to get his bride away before Ramsay had taken her.

"I can quite understand why you fell in love with her. Why you would want her. Tell me, were you the first one to have her? Were you the first one to taste those lips. Or did someone else have that pleasure? A captain of the guard perhaps. A stable hand...........her brother..........?" Ramsay continued with a mocking laugh. Reek swallowing at the large lump that had formed in his throat. Swallowing down the anger that was growing in his belly, as he cautiously resumed shaving Ramsay.

"It doesn't really matter. All that matters is that when that child is out of her, another one will take its place. The child of a Bolton. I mean, what better way to cement the rule of House Bolton over the north, than to have the oldest remaining child of Eddard Stark give me an heir. An heir that will rule the whole of the north. That will go on and take the Iron Throne from the Lannister's..........." The young Bolton added. Taking the razor from Reek's hand, before pushing him to the floor and then making his way over to where (Y/n) sat. Ramsay taking hold of her chin in his hand and forcing her to look up at him.

"What do you think, (Y/n)? Perhaps I should have Reek watch while I take you over and over again. Show him what a real man can do for his wife..........." Ramsay grinned wickedly. His grin quickly fading to an angry scowl, as the she wolf spat into his face. The Bolton bastard glaring at (Y/n), as he wiped the liquid from his visage before he stormed back over to Reek and grabbed him by the hair, pulling him to his knees. The razor placed firmly against his throat.

"NO!" (Y/n) exclaimed, as she got to her feet as quickly as she could.

"Don't hurt him........please. Don't hurt him anymore than you already have. I.........I'll do whatever you want, Ramsay. I.........I'll be yours. I will give you as many heirs as you desire. I will legitimise the rule of House Bolton in the north. I will do all this as long as you promise that you won't hurt Theon anymore. That you won't hurt my sister, or anyone else I care for............." (Y/n) told him. A shudder racing down her spine as Ramsay began to laugh.

"Every inch a wolf. I should expect nothing more than such self-sacrifice from a Stark. Your wife is more of a man than you ever were, Greyjoy. More of a man than you will ever be. You aren't worthy of such a woman. You should thank her for doing this. For saving your pathetic hide. I doubt that you would do the same for her. So, say thank you..........SAY THANK YOU!" Ramsay growled at Reek. Forcing the prone man forward. Forcing him to look up at the woman that he loved.

"T-t-thank.........thank you." Reek stammered. Tears rolling down his cheeks, as he saw the look on (Y/n)'s face.

"Now you can say goodbye. Because you are never going to see her again........"

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