Nameday - Part 9 - Bronn x Reader

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Bronn took another step closer, as (Y/n) slowly stood, doing her best to not disturb the child at her breast. If her heart had beaten quicker when she had seen him from the window; now that he was in the same room, she was sure that it was fit to explode.

"Hello..............." She replied, looking down, as Markas began to squirm a little.

"Which........which one is that............?" The sellsword enquired, pointing to the little bundle, as the lioness moved the child from her breast to her shoulder.

"This is my son, Markas. My daughter, Aranna, is in the crib............." She told him. Her body shaking, as Bronn took another step closer.

"Can I see..............?" Bronn continued, as he turned his attention to the crib that was decorated as he would expect for something that belonged to the Lannisters. The sellsword returning his gaze back to the lioness, as she continued to care for the little boy.


"If ya don't want me.............."

" can look..........just don't disturb her, she's sleeping............" The lioness replied. Her eyes not leaving the sellsword, as he covered the short distance to where her daughter lay. Bronn resting his hand on the crib; his heart beating faster, as he looked down at the slumbering child.

He had not really known what he would feel if he got the chance to see (Y/n), to see the children. Yet as he looked down at the tiny sleeping female, the fact that he.......he had had part in making her; that she, that the boy that was still in his mother's arms, was how he would continue on, finally hit him. That he was a father, whether he deserved to think of himself as that, or not; he, was in part, responsible for these little lives being here. Yet how to tell (Y/n) that he wanted nothing more than to prove himself to her; to prove that he was worthy to be a father, to be her husband, was the thing that he had no idea about. The sellsword for once wishing that he had a way with words, just like Tyrion. That he could open his mouth, and all the right things would just come tumbling out, and the lioness would agree to be his; would agree to come back to the Red Keep, so that they could be a family.

"She's beautiful.............." Bronn finally managed to say, as he continued to look down at his daughter.

"Yes, they both are. They will break more than a few hearts when they are older." (Y/n) told him, as she placed the little boy next to his sister in the crib. Markas' hand grabbing at the air, as he got comfortable; Bronn reaching down, and finding his rough, calloused finger, caught in the little boy's palm. His tiny fingers wrapping around that of his father, gripping it tightly. The sellsword feeling that his heart might just burst with pride.

"He's got a fair grip on him. Wait till he can lift a sword..............."

"I will have them both taught to fight, by the best swordsmen that my family's gold can buy. They will both receive the best education, from the finest maestres that I can find. My father may have banished me from Kings Landing out of shame, my children may have no name; but they are still of noble birth. They are still of the line of the lions, and they will be raised to know that. And if anyone dare disrespect them, those people will find out that just like my sister, I have claws..............." The lioness replied, as she moved back to her chair; securing her bodice so that her swollen breasts were covered. Her eyes moving to Bronn, as he continued to stand over the crib. His thumb carefully caressing Markas' little fingers.

The best swordsmen...........Bronn wanted to say that (Y/n), of all people, should know that the best swordman in Westeros, was himself; therefore, the only one worthy to teach his children, was him. He wanted to tell her that he would give the children their name, if he had one to give them. That he would recognise them, so that they could be called Hill. But he got a sense that the lioness would prefer that they had no name, rather than a bastard's name. That perhaps she hoped that her father would eventually forgive her for what she had done, and the Hand might bestow upon the children, his own name. But he wouldn't know that unless he took the chance to ask. She had not kicked him out, just yet; she had not screamed at him, called him everything that she could think of. So maybe Bronn should take that as a sign that she was happy for them to talk. That he should take the chance to tell her that he had made a mistake, when he said that he didn't want to marry her.

"(Y/n), I..................."

"I am tired, and I would like to take the opportunity to sleep, while my children rest. So, if you wouldn't mind.........." (Y/n) interrupted, as Bronn turned to look at her.

"If you cannot sleep, as you know, Lannisport if not far away and is teeming with brothels. I am sure that you will be able to find a woman............or should that be women, that will be more than willing to entertain you while you are away from the capital. I cannot imagine that it is too interesting for you to be here, as it is only myself and Elan; and with the best will in the world, I think that my maid is a little old for you.............." The lioness continued, as she got to her feet and made her way to the door, opening it slowly.

"Goodbye, Bronn............." 

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