Nameday gift - Part 2 - Tyrion x Bronn x Reader

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A second part of this story, inspired by KuroShiniGamiEngel

Tyrion made his way back through the corridors. Why it was him that had to do this, he didn't know; but given how angry his father currently was and given (Y/n)'s stubbornness, it was probably best that they weren't in the same room at the moment. He had to admit that the notion that (Y/n) was now as disappointing, at least in their father's eyes, as the rest of her siblings, actually made him feel closer to her; but a part of him couldn't help but feel a certain amount of anger about all this too; this anger not necessarily aimed at his sister, but certainly to the other party involved. The other party that he would have to speak too, after he had tried to talk with his sister. Tyrion having no idea how well this would go; but promising himself that he would do enough so that he could tell his father that he had tried.

Pregnant. It was still hard to believe that his favourite sister was pregnant. And even though he did like the notion that he would get the chance to be an uncle again; he wished that (Y/n) had been wed, before she had fallen with child. But more, he wished that the father of the new life, wasn't Bronn.

Pycelle had obviously been the one to inform their father of (Y/n)'s condition. The younger lioness being ordered to their father's rooms, to confirm her condition. (Y/n) supposedly taking great delight in informing the old man that yes, she was indeed with child, and that a certain sellsword was the sire. That they had been together since her last nameday. The lady walking out, before the old lion could issue his orders. Before he could say that despite the fact that Bronn, who, in his opinion, was little better than the whores that Tyrion had a proclivity for, was not the kind of man that he wanted as part of the family; it was better than having a grandchild of his, spoken of as a bastard.

So, here Tyrion was, being sent to speak to (Y/n). To tell her of his father's decision, and that she had to marry the sellsword. The little lion sure that this wasn't going to go well.


"No........." (Y/n) simply replied, as she sat back in her chair, after listening to her brother tell her what their father wanted.


"There is no but, brother. I don't care what father wants; I am not going to marry Bronn. There is a big difference between fucking him for fun and marrying him. I mean, can you imagine being married to a man like that? Though I suppose that I would know where to find him every time he disappeared; with you, fucking the latest whores at Baelish' brothel. That, and I doubt that he would have any desire to marry me. He has never struck me as either the marrying kind, or the type to be a father. No, this is my child, I will raise it myself. I mean, I can't do a worse job than Cersei has; and I do not care if father banishes me to Casterly Rock. Let him............I am NOT marrying Bronn." The lioness continued, as she got to her feet, and made her way over to the table to pour him a drink; Tyrion smiling slightly, as he watched his sister place her hand on her still small belly.

He had to admit that she was right...........on all counts. Tyrion doubting that Bronn would make the best, or most faithful of husbands. That he would have no idea how to be a father; and Tyrion only wanted the best for his sister. It true that between being wed to the sellsword, or being alone.......alone was probably the best choice. The little man thanking her, as she handed him the drink, before retaking her seat.

"Are you angry with me............?"

"What..............? No, not with you..............?"

"There is no point being angry at Bronn either, if that is what you mean. Bronn does what Bronn does; he is what he is. I knew that when I started this.........and that is why I won't marry him. This child may grow up with no name; our father may hide us away for the rest of our lives, out of shame. But I would rather that, than live the rest of my life like Cersei; married to a man that would rather sleep with whores, than his own wife." (Y/n) interrupted. Tyrion getting the strangest feeling that even though she was smiling and making fun of the situation, there was a slight sadness in her eyes.

"I am going to miss you................." The lioness said, as she leant across and took her brother's hand.

"Though I hope that you will be able to come to Casterly Rock when your niece or nephew is born; I would very much like them to know you. Between us, we can teach them how to really disappoint their grandfather............Now, I should really pack. I know that as soon as you go and tell father about my answer, I will be ordered out of the capital. And I don't wish to be taken away, without everything I might need..........." (Y/n) added with a chuckle, as she got up from her seat; giving her brother a kiss to the cheek, before beginning to make her way around the room. Tyrion finishing his drink and heading for the door. Giving his sister one last look, before making his way out into the corridor. His next port of call.........the sellsword. 

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