My dear priest - Part 3 - Thoros x Reader

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"I take it that my brother sent you after me? I swear that no matter what I do. No matter how many times that I prove that I am as capable with a sword as any of the others. Beric will always think of me as a little girl that needs to be protected." (Y/n) sighed, as she took a drink from the skin and handed it back to Thoros.

"Ya can't blame him. Its only natural that he should fear for ya safety. Me.......the others, we are all replaceable. But aren't." Thoros replied, as he took his own drink.

"I wouldn't say that. I don't think that you're replaceable at all, Thoros. I think that you are more important to me, than you could know. I mean, who would bring him back to me the next time he gets himself killed, if you weren't here. I know that without you, I would be alone in this world. And I don't even want to think about that. I don't want to think about being without my brother. Without.........without you." The Lady of Lightning continued. Glancing quickly at the priest by her side, before turning it back to the dense wood. The younger Dondarrion not noticing the small smile that had come to Thoros lips. Sure, that he had never been told that he was worth more than he thought, in such a wonderful way.

"Come for a walk with me?" (Y/n) suddenly asked, as she grabbed her sword and got to her feet.

"Are ya insane. Its not safe ere for a woman, never mind taking a walk. Ya have no idea what's waiting out there............"

"And that is why I am asking you to accompany me. If I am not safe with my sword and Thoros of Myr, the hero of the Siege of Pyke by my side. I never will be." (Y/n) interrupted. Offering Thoros her hand. The priest taking one more drink before pushing the neck of the wine skin under his belt and taking her hand. Thoros knowing full well, that if the lady wanted to go for a walk she would do, no matter his protests. And he had to admit that he wasn't averse to the notion of taking a walk with her. Of being able to be alone with her.

"Fine. But if there is any trouble, ya get behind me and let me deal with it." Thoros smiled, as he offered her his arm.

"I make no promises my dear priest..............I make no promises." (Y/n) chuckled, as she took his arm and led him out into the woods.


Thoros couldn't help but look at the lady by her side. He was sure that she looked more beautiful than ever, as the dappled light kissed her features. He knew that he had seen many things in his life. Many great and glorious things. But he could truthfully say that none of them could compete with the woman that was currently holding his arm.

"Could I ask you something..........?" (Y/n) enquired, as she suddenly stopped, and leant against the trunk of a huge tree.


"Beric didn't want to tell me, but...........I have heard from the others that you have known quite a few...........women in your life. Did you..........did you ever love any of them?" (Y/n) asked, as Thoros leant by her side. The priest musing for a moment before shaking his head.

"Can't say I did. I never thought that I was the kind of man to fall in love. That I a was worthy of it. Or at least I didn't until................."

"Until................?" (Y/n) prompted. Hoping to push the priest a little more.

"What about you? Have you ever been in love? A pretty thing like you must have had all manner of suitors." Thoros replied. Trying to take the conversation from him.

"Oh, you know. There were a couple of boys brought forward. One or two young lords that I was paraded in front of. Even the name of Eddard Stark's oldest boy was mentioned. But none of them were ever really my type. In truth, the only man that I ever really loved, was my brother. Actually, I even remember declaring in front of everyone that one day I would marry him. I didn't think that any other man could come close to him. But that was until..........."

"Until................?" Thoros enquired. It now the priests turn to try and prompt the lady.

"Until I met you............." (Y/n) told him, as she pushed herself off the tree and stood in front of him. Her chest pressed up against his.

"Beric always said that I had a liking for the rogue. The scoundrel. And you Thoros of Myr, just happen to be the biggest scoundrel I have ever met." The lady continued. Her heart beating a little quicker, as Thoros reached up his hand and placed it in her hair. Carefully pulling her closer, until her lips were ghosting over his.

"Well, well, well. What do we have ere boys? Two lovers out fa a romantic stroll? Ain't that sweet?" A mocking laugh came from behind them. (Y/n) and Thoros turning to see that six rather dubious looking men had managed to creep up on them. The Red Priest slowly moving (Y/n) behind him. His hand hovering over the hilt of his blade

"What do ya think we should do with our little lover birds, huh?" A large man continued, as a tall, lean creature came to his side. His eyes focused on (Y/n).

"I say we kill the old man and have some fun with the girl. Been a long time since I seen a woman. Especially one that looks like that. If ya ask me, she looks like a lady. And I ain't ever had a lady. I for one wouldn't mind finding out is she moans like a whore when ya fuck er." The tall man said, pulling his dagger from his belt and making his way over to the pair.

"Run..........." Thoros said urgently, as he moved to confront the tall man. The priest finding himself caught by (Y/n)'s hand, that wrapped itself around his wrist.

"Not on your life. If you think that I am going to let you have all the fun, you have another thing coming. And if I am going to moan like a whore for any man, its going to be for you." (Y/n) replied, placing a soft kiss to his lips, before stepping in front of Thoros.

"Shall we, Thoros?" The lady asked, as she pulled her sword from its sheath. The priest smiling, as he drew his own sword and stood to her side.

"After you, my lady................" The priest replied, as she two of them brushed their hands up their blades. The metal beginning to dance with fire as they rushed at the six bandits. 

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