Fear and love - Part 8 - Joffrey x Reader

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(Y/n) held the young woman, as she gripped onto her. The lioness doing her best to comfort the shaking child. Doing her best to assure her that this was all real. She could only imagine what was going on in the Stark girl's head. She had watched, angered beyond words at Joffrey's treatment of the young woman. She had been irate when her nephew had killed the old wolf. When he had forced Ned's two daughters to look upon the head of their father. But now, now she would do what she could to show that not all of those that lived in the south. That not all of her family were cruel.

"Thank you, my lady. For everything................."

"There is nothing to thank me for, child. I am only doing what is right. I had the utmost respect for your father. He was a good man, a little naïve to the reality of life in the capital and what my family is capable of, but a good man, nonetheless. And I grieved his death. After everything that my family has done to yours, all I can do in the way of an apology, is send you back to your mother and brother." The lioness replied, as she pulled away from Sansa and brushed some of the tears from her cheek.

"Now, no more tears. I want you to leave this place with your head held high, like the wolf you are. Some of my best and most trusted men will accompany you all the way to Winterfell. I wish you the best, and hope that you will give my regards to your family. I hope that you will assure them, that not all lions are as bad as my nephew and his mother." (Y/n) continued, before placing a kiss to Sansa's forehead. The younger woman accepting the lioness's hand and allowing her to lead her to the carriage.

"Stay safe, my dear..............." The lioness added, as she closed the door to the landeau and nodded to her men. The small entourage quickly making its way out of the courtyard.

"You got her away then..............?" A voice enquired from behind (Y/n). The lioness not having to turn to know who was there. The gruff tone all too familiar.

"Yes........thank the gods. My men will ensure that she gets safely back to her mother and brother. Then all I can hope is that Robb Stark is intelligent enough to not want to start a war because of my nephew's cruelty and stupidity. I have no desire to lose any more of my men, than I have already lost. To lose any more friends. I have already lost enough." (Y/n) sighed, before turning and smiling up at Sandor. The big man allowing a small smile of his own to pull at the very corners of his lips. A smile that wasn't just there for the person that the lioness was, but for what she had just done.

"Now, what say that you and I go and get a drink, before I have to deal with what is to come...........?" The lady added, as she slapped the big man on the arm before turning and making her way back into the Keep. Sandor following close behind.


(Y/n) rolled her eyes, as she listened to her sister go on and on about the fact that she had let the Stark girl return to her brother. Whining and complaining like she normally would. Cersei thinking that if she did this enough, someone would care about what she had to say. All eyes turning to look at Joffrey as he banged his fist on the table and jumped to his feet.

"I told my aunt to send the girl back to Winterfell. If you have a problem with that, mother, then perhaps you should talk to me, instead of my aunt. We do not need a war with the north. With Robb Stark. And my aunt agreed, especially as she is the only one in this room that would be having to fight. The only one on the battlefield while the rest of you drink wine and warm yourselves by the fire. Sansa Stark is on her way back to Winterfell, and that is that. Now, I want you all to leave, the head of my armies and I need to speak." The boy king told his mother. Turning to look as his aunt, as the other lions present got to their feet. All of them slightly taken aback by what the boy had said, and how he had said it. Joffrey appearing to be a lot more controlled than he normally would be. A little less............well, less Joffrey. Jaime and Tyrion smiling at their sister, before leaving the room. Even Tywin giving his youngest daughter a small nod before he followed after his children. Joffrey dropping to his knees and resting his head on his aunt's lap, as soon as the door had closed behind his grandfather. His eyes closing, as she placed her hand into his hair.

"Well, it is nice to see that you have actually been listening to me, Joffrey. It is right that you stand up to your mother. To not let her manipulate you. Her counsel is one thing. The counsel of anyone can be beneficial to a king. But trying to influence you with her own beliefs and desires, is another. You must learn whom you can and cannot trust. Who only wants what is best for your kingdom. For your rule. It will take you some time, but................."

"But you will teach me................?" Joffrey queried, as he looked up at his aunt. (Y/n) placing a kiss to his forehead, before placing a finger under his chin. Joffrey more than happy to look into his aunt's beautiful eyes.

"I will...........as long as you trust me. As long as you believe in me, and my desire to make you the king that you should be. I will show you how to play this game. This...........this game of thrones. I will show you how to know who is only giving you the best counsel. I will show you how to win over your people, your soldiers and the Seven Kingdoms." The lioness promised. Joffrey smiling, before wrapping his arms around her, and snuggling his head into her chest. The boy king losing himself in the rhythmic sound of his beloved aunt's heartbeat. Joffrey more than happy to lose his little toy back to Winterfell, if it meant that he could one day have the woman that he really wanted.  

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