Hounds and Lions - Part 2 - Sandor x Reader

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(Y/n) surreptitiously looked at Sandor through her lashes, as the two of them sat and ate. She had to admit that she liked the big man. Alright, he could be crude, and he was a little rough around the edges. He could be rather gruff and bad tempered, but she supposed that she couldn't blame him for all of that. The lioness sure that if she had been dealt the hand that the world had dealt him; if she had a scared visage and had to watch over her sister and odious nephew, she too would have the same 'fuck you' attitude. But it was that said 'fuck you' attitude had always drawn her too him. It made him so different from most other men that she had ever met, and in a way, she could see a little of her twin in him because of it. It was true that Tyrion relied on his mind, whereas Sandor used his brawn, yet both men knew that people hated them for how they appeared, and both snubbed their nose at the world that despised them. One man, whose own father had once described as an ill made, spiteful little creature. And the other, most simply referred to derogatively as, The Hound. But no matter what others may think, (Y/n) loved them. Both of them.

Tyrion was everything to (Y/n). If it wasn't for her younger twin and older brother, she would have had no one. Just a father that wanted nothing to do with her, and a sister that despised her. So, she had always thanked the gods that she had been lucky enough to have her brother by her side. The lioness often believing that she would never find anyone that she could care for as much as she did Tyrion. But that was until Sandor had come into her world. The big man having the strangest ability to make her smile, even though he was doing nothing. Even when he was doing his best to appear as mean and threatening as he possibly could, he would still make her smile.

"Couldn't you sleep................?" The lioness asked. Finally breaking the silence that had taken over the kitchen.

"Hmmmm." Sandor grunted in reply. As he pushed some more food into his mouth. Doing his best to not look at the younger woman in fear that some of the words that he wished to tell her might just come tumbling out of his mouth. That the emotions that were pushing at the barriers that he had built around himself, around his heart, might just break through.

"Nor could I..........." (Y/n) replied. Inwardly scolding herself for sounding so foolish. Here she was, alone with Sandor at last and the only thing that she could do, was ask him if he couldn't sleep. All she could do was sit there and push around the food on her plate with a fork, when in truth what she wanted to do was jump into his arms and tell him that she cared for him. That despite what he might think about himself. That he was little more than a killer, that didn't deserve peace, happiness or love, she wanted nothing more than to give him all the love in the world.

"Where ya goin?" Sandor asked, looking up from his food as the Lannister lady slowly got to her feet.

"I..........I'm suddenly feeling tired. I'm going back to my rooms. Thank you for joining me............." (Y/n) explained, as she made her way to the door.

"I'll escort ya." Sandor said, as he finished off his jug of ale, wiped his mouth on his sleeve and rose from his chair.

"No. That's alright, Sandor. I'll be fine. You finish your food. I am sure that you have enough of dealing with members of my family during the day without having to trouble yourself with me. Goodnight." The lioness insisted, placing a reassuring hand on his arm, before quickly making her way back out into the darkness of the great castle.

Sandor sat there for a moment, inwardly chastising himself for being such a coward. For not taking this opportunity to tell the beauteous Lannister that he cared for her. That he knew that she could never fell the same, given who and what he was. But still...............Suddenly he got to his feet and made for the door. (Y/n) might not have wanted him to escort her, but that didn't mean that he couldn't follow her just to make sure that she got to her rooms safely. The Hound's mind filling with awful thoughts of what could be lurking in the darkened corners of the Keep. Of the people that could wish her ill.


(Y/n) made her way through the vast corridors of the great castle. Normally nothing scared her much, other than the idea of losing her brothers, or losing Sandor. Usually, she would happily wander the Keep without a second thought for her safety. Having no fear of what may lurk in the shadows. The lioness knowing that despite the fact that her father wanted little, or nothing to do with her, she was still a Lannister. And the old lion would reap his own kind of revenge on anyone that may hurt one of his family. Even if it were only down to pride rather than care for her. Yet, at this moment, she felt uncomfortable, as if she were being watched by a thousand pairs of eyes. (Y/n) reaching for the little dagger that Bronn had given her. The sellsword telling her to always keep it with her. That if someone was idiotic enough to try anything when he wasn't near, then she could protect herself. Her brother's bodyguard informing her to stab first and ask questions later. To stab and run..............

"And what would something as beautiful as you be doing walking through the castle at this hour............?" An eerie voice suddenly enquired. The lioness stepping back and pulling the dagger from the pocket in her skirts, as a man appeared from the gloom. A sinister chuckle coming from deep inside him, as the lioness pointed the blade in his direction.

"And what do ya think that ya gonna do with that thing? If that pig shit sellsword of ya brothers wanted ta help, he should a taught ya ta handle a sword." The man continued to chuckle. The lioness' eyes growing wide as someone came up behind her and twisted the knife out of her hand, before placing a hand over her mouth and pulling her close. The man in front of her pulling out his own dagger and making his way towards her. 

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