Not worthy - Part 3 - Thoros x Reader

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"But she is alright...........?" Thoros asked again, as he and Beric made their way over to the fire.

"As I told you, (Y/n) is fine. But I fear that you will not be if you go to her before she has calmed down." Beric replied, as he took his seat on the ground. The Lightening Lord recounting what the female warrior had told him, as the Red Priest joined next to the happy crackling flames.


"Ah................" Thoros began, as Beric finished his tale. The lord nodding slowly, as he leant back against the prone log behind him.

"So, she really does think.............."

"Yes........and she was left to deal with the woman's husband............" The head of House Dondarrion said, before picking up another branch and throwing it into the flames.

"Then I have to go and find her and explain............."

"I think that that would be for the best for all of our sakes. But as I said, I would get her a chance to cool down. If she gets to you now, I am not sure that even the Lord of Light would be able to help you............" Beric agreed; though hoping that his friend would listen to his advice.

Thoros leaned back, thinking better of taking a drink for the wine bladder that he had on his belt; for if he was going to try and get (Y/n) to listen to his side of the story, then he thought that it would be better to do it sober....well....sober-ish.

As he had already noted to himself, he could not blame her for thinking what she did. If the shoe was on the other foot, he too might have thought that the woman was being taken up the stairs for some other purpose, than being taken from the danger. And in the past, he probably would have used the skirmish that he might possibly have been the cause of, to his advantage; he probably would have used the disruption, to bed the woman while her huge husband was doing his best to throw the rest of the Brotherhood, out of his establishment. And he certainly knew that his reputation did him no good; all his tales of drinking, and fucking anything that moved, while he should have been doing his best to convert the soon to be King Robert Baratheon from the faith of the Seven, to the Lord of Light, could most certainly sway someone's interpretation of his intentions. But all that was before.........before (Y/n) had joined the Brotherhood. Thoros knowing that things, that his life would never be the same, from the moment that Beric had introduced her to him. And it would sound strange if he said it out loud; he doubted that anyone would believe him if he told them. But his prediction had come true, he was a changed man......he really was.........well......mostly he was. And it was all because of the female warrior.

He could appreciate that others would see them as the strangest of friends. She was sober and steadfast, the one that Beric could always rely on to be put on watch, when the others, when Thoros was less than capable of seeing straight. And, unlike him, she had never been one to overindulge in all the other desires of the flesh. Not that she hadn't had the opportunity, not that she had not had the offers. The priest sure that any man in his right mind, would want to find himself in bed with (Y/n). But she had always refrained, some of the others joking that she should join the Silent Sisters, for all the fucking that she did. Thoros ignoring their jibes, informing the other men that the female warrior was just a good, a descent woman. That she was everything that they.........that he wasn't. But that said, they were still friends. (Y/n) along with Beric, the ones that he would truly trust with his life. That he would gladly sacrifice himself to save. And given that, the Red Priest had no intention of letting this evening's incident come between them. That, and perhaps this the incentive that he needed, to finally tell the beautiful woman, how he felt for her. Thoros looking over to see that Beric had grown quiet; that his eyes had closed. The priest, slowly and quietly getting up from his spot and making his way to find the female warrior that he needed to explain everything to.


The sky that she could see through the canopy of the trees, was beautiful; yet the sadness in her heart dulled its grandeur. The stars dimmed by the tears that were in her eyes. She didn't like the notion of leaving; she cared about the men that she called her brothers. She cared a great deal for Beric, (Y/n) more than happy to follow the lord into any battle. But was there another option? Perhaps she was too emotional to think about such things now. Too hurt by what Thoros had done, to think things through, rationally. Yet sooner or later, she would have to think about what she should do next. The female warrior sadly chuckling to herself as she thought about that jokes that some of the men would make, that she should swear herself to the Stranger, and join the order of Silent Sisters.

Suddenly, she heard something. (Y/n) quickly wiping the tears from her eyes, as she jumped up; her sword gripped tightly in her hand as she moved into the shadows. She didn't want to be seen straight away; she wanted her presence to be a surprise for the moment before she made whoever was coming towards her, regret it. Yet as she readied herself to strike, she saw the face of the intruder illuminated by the moonlight. The warrior dropping her blade to her side, as she moved from the darkness of the trees.



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