Fire on fire - Part 4 - Ramsay x Reader

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"Ramsay............." (Y/n) said breathlessly, as he unstrapped her from the cross; catching her in his arms, as he legs gave way under her. The older twin carrying her over to the wooden table and laying her upon it, before slowing pushing her legs apart and beginning to kiss up the inside of her thighs. Her hand grabbing hold of his hair, as his lips, his tongue, found their way to her womanhood. She was already hoarse from screaming out his name in pleasure. Her throat already sore from begging him to not stop. But she couldn't help but moan again, as he pushed two of his fingers inside her. Moving them in and out torturously slowly.

"You taste so good..............." Ramsay hummed, as he looked up at his sister, through his dark lashes. A smile coming to his lips, as he saw the look on her face. It was the look that meant that she wanted him to move his hand faster. That she wanted him to stop talking and return his tongue to what it had been doing. That, in fact, she wanted him to just pull her legs up over his shoulder and fuck her until the last of her voice had gone; and that was what he wanted to do too. The bastard son, sure that there was nothing better than the sound of his sister's voice, as he ravaged her over and over again; until they were both so exhausted that they would fall asleep in each other's arms, on the floor of the dungeon. But to Ramsay, there was something as equally wonderful, and that was her taken over. The feared surviving son of Roose Bolton knowing, that if he tortured her in this way, if he did not give her what she wanted; eventually, she would, despite how tired she was, begin to dominate him. (Y/n) the only one that knew that he liked such things. That the young man that so many dreaded even hearing the name of, loved nothing more than to be controlled by his sister. His exquisitely wicked twin.

Suddenly, he found himself roughly knocked to the floor. Ramsay looking up, to see his beautiful, naked sister standing over him, bringing herself up to her full height, and staring at him darkly.

"You should not tease me, brother. You know what that means............" (Y/n) said. Her voice low, threatening, as Ramsay took his rock-hard cock in his hand and began to stroke it. The Lady of the Dreadfort, reaching out and grabbing a knife, before dropping to her knees, straddling her twin. Ramsay moaning, as she placed her hand around his throat and squeezed. The tip of the dagger, being dragged across the skin of his chest, leaving behind a thin bloody line.

"You forget who is in charge, here, Ramsay. You are mine, and will do as I tell you...............Do you understand............?" She queried. Ramsay letting out a low, guttural moan, as she lowered herself on to him. Her grip on his throat tightening, as her twin tried to speak. (Y/n) lowering her head to his face, as she began to move. To ride him as though he were some noble steed at the gallop.

"Tell me what you want, brother............Confess your darkest needs.........."

"Punish me................" Ramsay managed to reply. His heart pounding violently against his ribs, as she smiled down at him. Her hand moving from his throat into his hair. Her fingers entangling in his short dark locks.

"If that is what my toy wants............." She replied, before laying the cold blade at his throat; just as she had, when she had come upon him in the darkness of the castle above them.


Roose made his way through the castle. He had been looking for his children for some time; none of the servants seeming to know where the children of the miller's wife had gone. He knew that they would be together, they were always together. The Lord of the Dreadfort aware that the twins were close. That they loved one another more than perhaps they should. Roose knowing that his son had tortured men for even looking as his sister; that his daughter had already killed for Ramsay once, that she would probably kill for him again. (Y/n) becoming like a beautiful, yet terrifying wild animal, if even he dared to come between them.

"Where are they..............?" Roose growled, as he caught the arm of a bannerman that had not been able to vanish like the rest.


"Ramsay, (Y/n) where are they............" The lord continued. Letting the man go, as he stuttered out the word 'dungeon'. Roose quickly making his way down to the darkest part of his castle.


Roose could hear a noise. He could hear Ramsay moan; he could hear him make pained sounds. The lord stopping at the door to the cell from behind which the noises seemed to be coming; angered, as he found the door locked. Beyond, the failing light of a lone torch the only thing that allowed him to see into the darkness. His eyes growing wide, as suddenly, out from the gloom, came a figure. His naked daughter, whose flesh appeared to be covered in blood, slowly stalked towards him. A flaying blade in each of her hands. Roose finding himself stepping backwards, as her face came to the barred window in the door. The lady silently shaking her head, before slamming the hatch. 

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