Nameday - Part 3 - Bronn x Tyrion x Reader

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"What part of that did you not understand, Bronn. My father wants you to marry (Y/n). He seems to have this crazy notion that because you were willing to bed my sister and put a child in her belly, that you might be as equally willing to marry her.............."

"And who gave him that damn fool idea........(Y/n)?"

"Oh, far from it. According to my dear sister, the idea of being married to you is the worst idea in the world. Fucking you is one thing, but marriage.........No, she said that she would much prefer for father to exile her to Casterly Rock, than even contemplate the notion of having to be your wife. In fact, when I left her, she was staring to pack for the trip..........." Tyrion explained, as he poured himself a drink.

"Well..............that's alright then............" Bronn replied, as he looked down into his glass. Tyrion doing his best not to smile, as he saw that the sellsword was thinking about what he had just been told.

"Yes. I think her exact words were 'can you imagine being married to a man like that', after which she shuddered a little. She also said that she didn't want to end up like our dear sister, married to a man that would rather drink and whore than spend time with his wife and child. That she would rather the child be a bastard than be forced into a marriage with you. No, you are both right. You would make a terrible husband, never mind a father. (Y/n) will do a far better job of raising the child, alone. And what would you want with a woman like (Y/n), anyway? She really isn't your type. I mean, she's intelligent, witty, charming, urbane. The ladies in Lord Baelish's establishment are more suited to your tastes.........." The little lord continued, as he finished his drink, and turned to look at the still mussing sellsword.

Had she really said all that..........? Bronn couldn't help but wonder, and he most certainly wouldn't put it passed her. (Y/n) was a woman that knew her mind; knew what she wanted and how to get it. And believe him when he said that she had got it on more than one occasion since her nameday. Yet as much as he liked the notion of his freedom; as much as he liked the idea of being able to continue his ways, he had to admit that the thought of being married to her, of being a father...........well, that quite appealed too. All he wanted was a castle and a lady of his own to call its mistress, and heirs..........lots and lots of heirs. And who could possibly be better than (Y/n) for that role? She was, as Tyrion had just pointed out, intelligent, witty, charming and urbane. She was a lioness, and the fact that she could make his toes curl would suggest to any man that she was the woman for him. That, and she was already carrying his child. The idea of having a son that would follow him, a daughter that would be the apple of his eye, was actually making him smile.

"Yeah, wouldn't want to marry a woman like that, like ya said.........." Bronn finally said, as he placed his now empty glass on the table.

"Well, as long as you both agree, I can at least tell father that I spoke to both of you, and you both said no. Saves you losing your head if (Y/n) has refused too. But I think that I will go and see if my sister needs any help with her packing. I know as soon as father hears the news, he will send her to Casterly Rock. He will do his best to minimise how many people know about his new bastard grandchild." Tyrion added, placing a hand on Bronn's arm before making his way to the door, and leaving the sellsword to his thoughts.

Bronn looked over at his bed, he could see her there; he could see the smiling lioness, her eyes watching him as he undresses. Her fingers ghosting over her naked flesh, as she waited for him to join her. Even from the first time, Bronn had noticed a difference; how he felt when he bedded the lioness was totally different to how he felt when he was with the women in the brothel, different to entertaining bored ladies. She made him laugh, as she lay with her head on his chest, drawing lazy patterns on his belly with her finger. She listened to him when he spoke; when he found himself opening up to her, and she had never judged him. But most of all, she actually seemed to, well, to care about him; cared about him more than anyone had cared about him before. And that........that scared him. The sellsword believing that he didn't deserve that. That despite everything, (Y/n) and his child were better off without him; Bronn sure that even though he might not want to, he would only fuck everything up in the end. A heavy sigh leaving his lips, as he reached over for the jug, to refill his glass.


"(Y/n)............" A voice came, the lioness smiling, as she turned and saw Tyrion.

"Back so soon..........? Have you spoken to Bronn, to father.........?" The lady queried, as she took a seat on her bed.

"I have spoken to Bronn............."

"Well, that must have been interesting. I can only imagine what he would have said when you told him father wanted him to marry me. I am surprised that I didn't see him running from the Keep, screaming at the idea of being tied to me. I presume he did say no.............."

"Yes......he said, no..............." Tyrion told her, as he took a seat next to her, and took her hand.

"Good. That just proves that I have made the right decision. I have no desire to make either of us miserable; and I am sure that my child will be happy enough if their uncle Tyrion and Jaime came to see them once in a while. Now, you should go and tell father the news. I am nearly finished packing, so I will be ready for the bannermen when they come pounding on the door; ready to drag me to Lannisport." (Y/n) continued, giving her brother a kiss on the cheek, before she got up from the bed. Tyrion letting out a heavy sigh, before getting down from the bed and making his way to the door.



"I really am going to miss you..............."  

Game of Thrones: Imagines and one shots. Book threeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang