It can't be - Part 5 - Tywin x Reader

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"Sit down." Tywin replied, as he himself took a seat.

"That sounds like an order to me, Tywin. And I hate to tell you this, but I don't take orders. Well........not unless there is gold in it for me anyway." (Y/n) retorted, as she stubbornly stood at the entrance to the tent. Her arms firmly crossed over her chest. Tywin sighing as he looked up at her.

Even with just those few words. With what she had said when he had discovered her true identity, it was obvious that the many years had changed the lioness. That that rebellious spirit that had always been hinted at in their youth, was now no longer just hinted at. It was what she was. The girl that had once been every inch the lady, was now the furthest thing from it. Tywin finding himself reaching into the pocket of his robe and pulling out a few coins, which he proceeded to throw in his cousin's direction. (Y/n) letting out an amused snort as she looked down at them.

"Is that it? Is that all you think I am worth, Tywin. Well, I can't say that I am surprised. You did always think very little of me. But I assure you, those pathetic coins won't even encourage me to stay here, never mind come and sit down." (Y/n) retorted, as she glared at the man that she had loved so many years before. Her head shaking, as the old lion reached over to a wooden box that sat on the table and produced a leather purse full of gold. Tywin pushing the purse across the table. His eyebrows furrowing, as (Y/n) continued to just stand.

"Well, that is the price of me sitting. If you want to talk, its gonna cost you more............" The sellsword told him. A small smile pulling at her lips, as yet another purse joined the first. (Y/n) making her way over to pick up the coins, before sitting down across from Tywin.

"Nice doing business with you cousin. Now, what do you want to talk about?" The lioness enquired, as she looked at him. Tywin seemingly lost in his thoughts for a moment as he stared at her. The Lannister patriarch finally turning to look at the small fire that crackled happily as it danced over the wooden logs.

He had to admit that he wasn't sure what question to ask first. Questions that he wasn't sure that he wanted to know the answer to. But, this could be the only chance he got to speak with her. Tywin sure that if she could so easily disappear once, then she could most certainly do it again.

"Why.........?" Tywin finally managed to enquire. It the only word that he felt capable of uttering. His eyes still firmly set on the flickering flames.

"Why, what. Tywin? I am afraid that you are going to have to give me a little more................?"

"Why did you leave? Why did you leave your sister when she needed you? Why were you not there when she died? Why didn't you come back..........?" Tywin interrupted abruptly. Anger evident in his voice. His emerald eyes staring deep into hers, as he turned to look at her. The two lions sitting in complete silence for a moment, before (Y/n) spoke calmly.

"There are perfectly good and reasonable answers to all those questions, Tywin. But I am not sure that you would like the answers............"

"Just tell me!" Tywin demanded, banging his fists on the arms of his chair, before getting to his feet. The old lion pacing the floor as he waited for an answer.

"Very well, if you insist.........I left, because it was the only and right thing to do. I wanted my sister to be happy. I wanted to be happy myself. And the only way that could be achieved, was if I left. If I had stayed, it would have affected my relationship with Joanna. It would have changed it forever. And I never wanted her to think less of me........or.......or hate me. That, and I knew that she was perfectly capable of surviving without me. Despite the fact that I led, and she followed, my sister was no fool. And anyway, she had you to take care of her, so.......I knew that she would be safe. That you would protect her. As for why I didn't return when she died.........I didn't hear about her death until long after the fact. I had just arrived back from Essos when the tales of Tyrion and the death of Joanna became known to me. I did, I confess, think about coming to see you. But I was informed that you were back in Kings Landing. That you had found solace in your position as Hand of the King. And I persuaded myself that it was best to leave you. That the last thing that you would want to see, was my face. That it would only upset you more. And then, before I knew it, the weeks had turned into years, and the years to decades. You would still not know of my existence if chance had not brought your son into that tavern." (Y/n) explained, her eyes never leaving Tywin's form, as he continued to pace. The lion seeming to mull over every word that she had said. Her explanation not appearing to be good enough, as all of a sudden, her cousin was before her. His hands gripping into the tops of her arms, as he pulled her to her feet.

"Why, (Y/n)? Tell me why.............."

"I have told you................"

"You have told me nothing. Tell me the truth..........."

"That is the truth, cousin. Now let me go.........."

"Not until you tell me................"

"I left because I loved you, Tywin. I left because you chose my sister over me. I left because I didn't want to see her happy with the man that I wanted. To see her have everything that I had desired. I left because I would have grown to hate her if I hadn't. I left because it was the only thing to do. The only choice that I had. The only way that I could have a life without living in the shadow of the love you shared. Now. LET ME GO!" (Y/n) replied with as much anger as Tywin had. The old lion's eyes growing wide, as he felt the tip of a dagger dig into his side. 

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