The banner man - Part 15 - Jory x Reader

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"Don't lose sight of that second arm as you come around. Bring it in tighter, you don't want to open yourself up and allow the enemy to attack the weak spot." (Y/n) explained, as she came up behind Jory and moved his body and his arms into the correct position.

"But I can't............."

"Of course, you can, Jory; all it is, is a matter of practice. You had to practice when you were learning how to use one sword, and the same goes for two. Since when did you start doubting yourself so much? Now, do it again.........." Guthrie's daughter ordered, as she backed away; watching as the captain of the Stark household guard began to move. Doing his best to mimic what (Y/n) had shown him. Doing his best to not let his frustrations at not being able to perfect the techniques, get the better of him. Wanting to prove to the captain of the Tyrell contingent, that he hadn't forgotten everything she had taught him before he had told her to leave. That he was worth her time now.

"Try not to cross the swords. If you bring the bottom one up too swiftly, you might find you knock the second sword from your own hand..........." The female captain called out. Quickly rushing over and grabbing one of the swords, as Jory got tangled in his own feet.

"And since when did you forget your footwork...........? If I didn't know better, I would say that your mind was on something else, Captain Cassel." She added, as she helped Jory right himself.

"Perhaps we should stop for this evening. Its been a long day......." (Y/n) continued, the only thing lighting the training area now, were the torches that she and Jory had set out before they had started. It true that it was far too dark to continue; but also, it was true that Jory didn't want to let (Y/n) go just yet. That he hoped to be able to spend more time with her, until he really would have to leave her for the night.

"Will you eat with me.............?" Jory asked, as he placed his own sword back in its sheath.

"I need to have a raven sent to lady Oleena, and should really be with my men..........."

"Of........of course; but some of the others are taking your men into the villages............"

"Well, it is nice to see that some things around here haven't changed..........." (Y/n) chuckled in reply, as she gathered her own swords; recalling all the times that she had had to come up with excuses as to why she could not partake in the favours of some of the local women.

" aren't going with them................?"

"Did I ever.................?"

"No, I can't say that you did, Jory. But I am sure that you have better things to do than eat with.............."

"Please, (Y/n)..........." Jory interrupted, coming up behind her and placing his hand on her shoulder.

"It would give us a chance to speak............"

"And what do you and I have to speak about, Captain? I have come here to do a job. To train Lord Stark's men, as my lady promised. So, unless it is about the training..............."

"We were once friends, were we not............?"

"No, Jory. You were friends with the person that you thought was Sebastian Sharpe. When you discovered that Sebastian was not what you thought, you threatened to have them run out of Winterfell if they did not leave of their own accord. Sebastian Sharpe is dead, the person that you claimed to be friends with, died that night. I am (Y/n) Sharpe; you and I were never friends............."

"I'm sorry............." Jory called out, as the female captain walked away. A glimmer of hope sparking within him, as she came to a stop.

"Again, I am sorry. If I need to, I will apologise for my actions that night, for the rest of my life. I told you that I was wrong, that I went looking for you so that I could apologise; so that I could bring you back. I am not asking that you forgive me, I am not asking that you forget; all I am asking is that you give me a chance to make amends. To get to know you..............the real you." The captain told her, as he slowly took one step at a time until he came to stand behind her.

Strong. She had to be strong. That was what Lady Oleena had told her; and that had been fine while she had been in Highgarden, while she could pretend that she had forgotten about the handsome captain. But here at Winterfell, with her able to feel his warm breath on the back of her neck, being strong was the last thing that she wanted to be. What she wanted to do was turn around and fall into his arms; to tell him that she had missed him, more than he could ever know. That despite how much she had come to care for and owed the matriarch of the House of the Rose, she wished that she could remain at Winterfell; that she could stay at the great norther castle and with Jory, for the rest of their days. (Y/n) taking a deep breath, knowing that she had to make the right choice for herself at that moment. That even if she did have to leave Winterfell when her job was done; she could at least leave with Jory as a friend.

"Then you better hurry up, I'm hungry............." The female captain finally replied, before she made her way once more to leave the training area. Jory smiling, as he quickly followed after her. 

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