The bet - Part 1 - Tyrion x Bronn x Reader

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As (Y/n) made her way through the corridors of the Red Keep on her way to the library, she couldn't help but think; couldn't help but think about the person that she had found herself thinking about more and more, recently. Especially now that he had returned to the Keep after what had happened at the Eyrie and with Catelyn Stark............what was it about Tyrion Lannister..........? Well, there were lots of things about Tyrion, both good........and bad. Bad........he could drink his own weight in wine on a daily basis, and........and well most of his time seemed to be spent on the Street of Silk, or with women from the establishments on that streets, in his rooms. But, on the other hand, he was intelligent, funny, kind and sweet. And surly all those traits cancelled out the bad ones..........didn't they? Yet whatever she thought about his character; however much she defended him to others, she knew that Tyrion would never see her as anything but a friend. The lady well aware that she was nothing like those women that worked in Lord Baelish' brothel; that she did not flaunt her body and make it available to any man that just smiled in her direction and shook their purse. That she may not be as beautiful or slender as them, and she was not experienced in all the things that went on between men and woman; but she prided herself on that. She prided herself on that innocence, on her intelligence rather than her looks. She prided herself on her quick wit, on how she saw and perceived the world. And if that meant that Tyrion would never see her as the kind of woman he was interested in, or perhaps even a woman at all, then she would just have to accept that. Yet it didn't mean that she was happy about it.

She had known the little lord and his older siblings for so long now. In a little way, she and Tyrion had grown up together and she had always seen him as a friend; their conversations, their discussions about the histories, about the world, some of the most enjoyable evenings that she would spend. But as they got older, she had begun to feel more things for the little man than she had done previously. Yet when he had married Tysha and she had found out what her friend's new wife really was, she had been hurt. She had realised that she would never be what Tyrion desired. And even though she had wanted to be there for him when the marriage had ended, when she had heard what he had seen and what his father had done, she had decided that it would be best for her to put a little distance between them.

With a relieved sigh, she stood before the doors to the library. She had managed to avoid Tyrion again, sure that he and his new sellsword, who seemed to possess the same bad traits as the little lord did, would already be too busy in Tyrion's rooms. (Y/n) having a feeling that the youngest Lannister couldn't even remember where the library was anymore, which just meant that she could go there in peace. That she could go, take a book and forget about the world.............and Tyrion.

She stopped, as the door moved open; her heart jumping into her throat as she saw the man that she didn't want to see, sat in one of the old chairs; his sellsword looking bored, as he sat across from him. A smile coming to the little man's lips, as he looked up at her.


"Oh.........Tyrion. I, er.............I thought I would be the only one here........."

"I am sorry to disappoint." Tyrion chuckled in reply, as he closed the book and placed it on his lap. The lady feeling a little uncomfortable as both men turned their attention to her.

"Not at all. Um.........if you will excuse me, I'll just go and find a book and leave you two to it............"

" don't have to. Stay and talk with me, it's been far too long since we have had the chance to speak. And I am sure that you will be much more entertaining than him.............." Tyrion replied, gesturing over to the disgruntled sellsword.

"That would be nice but............but I have some..........some plans. Maybe next time..........." (Y/n) told him. The lady giving the young lion a polite nod before making her way to the shelves of books.

"She fancies you..............." Bronn suddenly said, as he and Tyrion watched the lady walk away.


"That one..........she fancies you.............." The sellsword said again, before going back to being bored.

"(Y/n).......that (Y/n)? Don't be ridiculous. I have known her since we were young, and she has far too much beauty and brains to be interested in the likes of me." Tyrion scoffed, as he continued to look over in the direction (Y/n) had disappeared.

It was true that he and (Y/n) had known one another for many years, and during those years they had become friends. The lady one of the only friends that Tyrion would say that he had. But more than friendship.............that was something he could only dream about. The little lord believing, that as he had just told Bronn, (Y/n) had too much beauty and brains to be interested in him. That no decent lady like her, could be interested in him.

"Want to bet...........?" Bronn asked, as he sat forward in his chair; suddenly seeming much more interested.


"Yeah, bet............I bet ya that within the next seven days, your friend will tell ya that she wants ta be more than friends. And you two will be playing hide tha sausage in your rooms.............." The sellsword replied. Grinning as Tyrion looked at him.

"How much.............?" Tyrion asked, as he looked between Bronn and the rest of the library.

"Hmmmmmmm...........a hundred Gold Dragons. That way I will be able ta pay for one of those women that Baelish has from the Pleasure houses of Lys." Bronn told the lord, holding out his hand for Tyrion to take.

"Done............" The little lord agreed.

"Oh, you have been.............."  

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