The bet - Part 3 - Jaime x Tyrion x Reader

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Jaime had listened, as (Y/n) did her best to explain. As she told him what his little brother's sellsword had said to her. The Kingsguard of course wasn't surprised that such things would come out of the man's mouth; but the notion that Tyrion might have had something to do with it, Jaime had to say, he found shocking. That his brother would happily have Bronn say something so vile to such a sweet lady, didn't make sense; so, he knew that whatever words had spilled from the sellsword's lips, Jaime had to believe, had come from him alone. Though why he would say what he had said, was anyone's guess. The golden lion, for one, not wanting to understand what went on in the mind of Bronn.

"Why would you listen to the likes of a sellsword, (Y/n)? You are far too intelligent............"

"It was more that it just came out of the blue. There I was, just looking for a book, and he comes up to me and says what he said. But its not just that...........its.........its that he is right, isn't he? Since what happened with Ty...........well, since his marriage, Tyrion only looks to whores for some kind of affection. It makes him blind to the fact that there might actually be someone that truly cares about him. Someone that doesn't make sure he can pay before............."

"(Y/n).........? Do you mean.................?"

"I mean nothing, Jaime. I'm sorry. I was just...........I was just thinking out loud..............." (Y/n) interrupted, as she slowly pulled away from Jaime's arms and wiped her wet cheeks with the back of her sleeve.

"You're right, I shouldn't have listened to a word that man said. Who in their right mind listens to the ramblings of a sellsword? A breed of men well known for their exaggerations, especially when it comes to their own abilities. From what I have heard tell of Bronn, he was probably bored and decided to have some fun at my expense." The lady continued, as she slowly got to her feet. Leaning over to give Jaime a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you for listening to me, Jaime. I know there is nothing worse than trying to deal with a sobbing woman. And I'm sorry for making you think that it might be to do with Tyrion............"

"There is nothing to be sorry for, (Y/n). You know that I am happy to see you any time I can. You are one of the only people I know that I can trust; one of the only people that looks on my brother with anything but disdain, whether he deserves it or not. You are not just a friend, you are my family..........." Jaime countered, as he got to his feet. (Y/n) taking his hand and leading him to the door of his room.

"And you don't have to go. Stay, we can talk some more.............."

"You are a Kingsguard, Jaime. And given that, I am sure that you have better things to do; but, thank you. Maybe the next time the queen does not require her most loyal guard, you and I could walk in the gardens like we used to before we grew up, and the world became so serious.............." (Y/n) replied; the older lion nodding in agreement before he opened the door, and reluctantly allowed her to leave him.


The door to the library closed with a slam behind him, as Tyrion made his way out of the room. To say that he was angry, would not do his current feelings, justice. To say that he was irate, would still not cover the ire that he felt at this moment towards the sellsword. The little lord well aware that Bronn would do almost anything for money; but this.......this little "bet", had gone too far. Tyrion hating to think how his bodyguard's words could have hurt (Y/n). For hurting (Y/n) was the last thing that Tyrion would ever want to do.

As quickly as he could, he made his way through the corridors, determined to find the lady. Determined to apologise for everything that Bronn had said; but where to find that was the question. (Y/n) had always been too intelligent to trust most that called the great castle home. Too intelligent to get involved in the game; to listen to the silver tongue snakes that sat in positions of power on the small council. Too intelligent to allow herself to be seen as a threat by his sister; so, in theory, that should limit the number of places that she might be; or at least the number of people she might be with. One name coming to his mind. One person; the only other person that she would ever spend any real time with............Jaime. Tyrion well aware that his brother cared for the beautiful lady, and that she in turn cared for him. So, what better place to start, than at Jaime's rooms.

As he walked, Tyrion couldn't help but let his mind wander. Wander to the years that he could only look to his brother or (Y/n) for love and support, for a kind word and a gentle touch. He had once thought that the beautiful lady would be the one that he would marry. That he would put her under the protection of the Lannister cloak, and she would be his first, his last.........his only. The young Tyrion promising himself that he would never hurt her, that he would never be disloyal to her. That he would care for her and any children that she gave him, until the day he died. But then...........well then Jaime had changed everything. His little scheme to help Tyrion lose his virginity, turning the youngest Lannister's world on its head. Having a pretty thing like Tysha come into his life, had been refreshing, something new. Had made him believe that someone else could love him. But not long after his marriage to the girl that he had "rescued", he had realised the mistake that he had made. And as he had been forced to watch as his father's men took her; Tyrion had known that his chance to marry (Y/n) had long gone. That he was no longer worthy of a lady such as her.

Finally, he arrived at his older brother's rooms, Tyrion raising his hand to knock. The little lord stopping, as he heard the sound of (Y/n) crying. As he heard the sound of his brother doing his best to comfort her. The youngest Lannister, despite knowing he shouldn't, finding himself listening to the conversation that had just begun to unfold between his brother and (Y/n).  

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