Chapter 281 - 282

Start from the beginning

As a result, the end of the world suddenly came, and he was confused and alienated from the bouquet of roses.

Although this exotic plant is not his favorite, it has a very strong attack power, and its powerful thorns are simply a murder weapon.

It can be said that he was able to live for so long precisely because of the cross-breeding of roses.

After school, Luo Xiaobai drove Sun Jun back to Ziye Club.

The lights are still bright here, but the direct pick-up process has changed a lot and has now been restored to the high end.

Sun Jun is considered half the boss here, everyone greets him when they see him.

Luo Xiaobai leaned against the car, "Hey, are you doing well? When will you get a car by yourself?" "

There are some here, but I don't like driving." Sun Jun said, maybe because of his personality, except for his own Hobby, it is difficult to concentrate on one thing.

Especially now that China's population is small enough, he can no longer be a road killer.

"Has personality." Luo Xiaobai even wondered if Sun Jun was afraid of spending money on gas, so he didn't drive here


Because of sending Sun Jun off, Luo Xiaobai came home a little late from school on the first day.

Mo Ming asked with a worried look on his face: "Why did you come back?"

Luo Xiaobai told him about meeting Sun Jun at school, and Mo Ming breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's wrong, you seem to be worried about me?" Luo Xiaobai said sternly. He had come back late before, but he had never seen the big bird monster so worried.

Mo Ming raised his hand and rubbed the little guy's head, "Recently, there are always people with superpowers disappearing inexplicably. I'm very worried."

Luo Xiaobai heard this and said in surprise: "People with superpowers disappear mysteriously?" "

Yes, I I also heard it mentioned by my elder brother today. At first, this matter did not attract everyone's attention, until more and more people with missing powers were missing." Mo Ming was worried. At first, it was only in other cities, but now there are people with powers disappearing for no reason in the imperial capital. thing.

Luo Xiaobai was surprised. People with superpowers were not ordinary people. How could they disappear silently?

Apart from the possibility of leaving voluntarily, it would mean being kidnapped.

But who would do this? The dark power users have been uprooted, so it won't be those people.

In the south where the He family governs, there are still people with supernatural powers missing. It can be said that they are also in a state of distress. Who could have done it?

"Do you have anything in common, or are you looking for a direction?" Luo Xiaobai asked, how could a person disappear just by saying he disappeared?

Mo Ming shook his head, "Not yet, but I heard that one of the first batch of people who disappeared had appeared in Tiancheng^"

However, when they arrived to find him, the guy disappeared again.

Luo Xiaobai was amused. Who could be so awesome? He dared to play tricks on even members of the army. He just didn't want to live anymore.

However, it would definitely not be the work of one person to cause such a big commotion. This involves organizational issues.

As for China, it's really strange that they don't know the existence of such a huge organization.

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