Although Miao Yuan had been anesthetized with acupuncture, the suturing process was still difficult.

"My dear, don't move. The doctor is stitching up your wound. It won't hurt soon." The little boy's grandmother comforted the child with her eyes swollen.

The little boy waved his arms and sobbed, "Grandma, it hurts."

Hearing this, the child's grandma began to cry again.

Soon, the wound was sutured.

Luo Xiaobai wiped his sweat, "It was bitten by an animal, right?"

Miao Yuan nodded, "It was bitten by a wild dog."

The child's grandmother held the little boy in her arms, her eyes filled with self-consciousness. Blame, "It's all my fault for not taking good care of the child. How can I explain this to the child's parents?" "

Auntie, it's not your fault that the child was bitten. I heard that the dog was crazy and two pedestrians were bitten. , sent to the city hospital." Miao Yuan comforted.

Even so, the child's grandmother still blamed herself extremely.

Miao Yuan asked the nurse to take the little boy to get vaccinated. Their traditional Chinese medicine hospital did not have such rabies vaccine.

The child's grandmother is very grateful. She and I don't know where to get this vaccine.

"You're welcome, take the child quickly. The vaccination must be done on the same day to be effective. The sooner the better." Miao Yuan sent the old lady out.

"Where did the wild dog come from? It's too ferocious, isn't it?" Luo Xiaobai threw away the medical waste.

Miao Yuan washed his hands, "Recently, there have been more and more cases of wild cats and dogs hurting people. I heard from your sister-in-law that the urban management team has formed a cat and dog management team, which is inspecting and arresting nearby cats and dogs. Anyone without a dog license will be taken away."

"I saw a notice posted at the door of the nearby community, and it turned out to be this." Luo Xiaobai thought about the day he left Sunshine Community, and seemed to have seen this notice, but he didn't pay attention at the time. , apart from the indelible tattoo on his hand, he has never raised any small animals.

When he was alone in his last life, he did think about raising a dog, but for someone like him who couldn't take care of himself, he'd better not harm small animals.

While the two were chatting, the head nurse from the inpatient department knocked on the door and came in.

"Dr. Miao, Dr. Luo, we are weeding the inpatient department today. Everyone needs to stay and help." said the head nurse.

Miao Yuan and Luo Xiaobai were stunned when they heard this. When did it become their turn to do this kind of weeding work?

The nurse saw the two people's confusion and said helplessly: "We can't hire anyone to weed the grass. The gardeners were hired away at high prices in the past. We don't know what happened to the grass. It only took a few days to grow to half a meter high. "

How high did you say?" Luo Xiaobai said in surprise.

"Half a meter, not to mention our place, all the nearby schools and factories are like this, so the weeding personnel have become the most popular." The head nurse will also stay, including the little nurses who know how to apply makeup and powder all day long.

【1】Rebirth and Clairvoyance Miracle DoctorDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora