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Meanwhile, at the Tuilleries Gardens, the girls had just finished the Bollywood dance. A lot of spectators at the park had started filming them on their Alias rings. Everyone cheered and clapped for them as the girls took a bow. Even the boy dancers had come to show their support for them. Especially Travis who couldn’t keep his eyes of Ashleigh the entire time. Kevin saw this and nudged him playfully. ‘Staring at your girlfriend?’ he said softly as Travis blushed.

‘I wish’ he said.

‘Why not ask her out then? To the end of school dance?’ Kevin grinned.

Travis was about to say he’d think about it when Mylene started shouting ‘Encore, encore, encore!’ as others started to join in just as Ashleigh heard her Alias ring beep with Penelope’s email:

“SOS! Persephone storm approaching!”

Ashleigh gasped. ‘Uh-oh...’

Suddenly what was a bright and sunny Spring day, suddenly turned grey and dismal and dark clouds came over the sky in the blink of an eye.

Everyone wondered what was going on as a voice boomed out as Ashleigh went pale.

‘Ashleigh Truman! I’ll teach you to disobey me!’ the voice growled like thunder as young kids screamed at the sudden change in the weather, running to their parents and cowering in fear.

‘Ashleigh Truman! I’ll teach you to disobey me!’ the voice growled like thunder as young kids screamed at the sudden change in the weather, running to their parents and cowering in fear

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Travis gasped as he heard the girl he loved being threatened. He ran up to her. ‘Ash, what’s happening?’ he said worriedly, putting his hands on her shoulders.

In her almost paralysed with fear state, she managed to whisper out one word. ‘Persephone!’

‘Ashleigh!’ Hurricane boomed loudly, now 200ft tall, with angry eyes, piercing into her soul. ‘Take that ridiculous dress off now, before I blow it off you!’ she cried as Marinette looked at Alya as they nodded to each other as Marinette secretly ran off to transform in secret.

Nino also nodded to Adrien who said, ‘Let’s get you somewhere safe Kagami!’ as he took her hand and he ran off to transform.

Once they were safely out of sight, Kagami smiled at him. ‘Take care my Kuro Neko’ Kagami said as she kissed his cheek as he smiled back.

‘Always my princess’ he whispered, caressing her face. ‘Plagg, claws out!’ he said, transforming into Cat Noir and vaulting back towards the villain.

Marinette meanwhile had found an empty bathroom. ‘Tikki, spots on!’ she said,  transforming into Ladybug as she headed back towards the villain.

 ‘Tikki, spots on!’ she said,  transforming into Ladybug as she headed back towards the villain

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora