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Meanwhile, Cat Noir stands in front of the final barrier, protecting the room with the Pharaoh. The Book of Truth is counting down.

'Cata—' he begins to say, but Ladybug catches up to him and stops him.

'Cat Noir, no! Don't waste your power on that!'

'But LB, I can't answer its question and time's running out!'

'Be this the holder of the cat miraculous? Look how puny he is!' Joan stifled a laugh.

'Yes, but he's a good partner and friend' Ladybug smiled.

Cat Noir looked puzzled. 'Um, are you feeling okay LB? You hearing voices or something?'

'Actually, I'm talking to Joan' Ladybug replied.

'Um...should I leave you two alone, or...?' Cat Noir asks.

Ladybug chuckles. 'Oh, no, I know how ridiculous this sounds. But thanks to this Kwagatama that Tikki made for me, I was able to get in touch with the memory of one of the Ladybug holders before me! You can't see her but... she's there.'

'Wow! I didn't even know that was possible!' Cat Noir smiles.

'And, thanks to Joan, I was able to answer that first question' Ladybug replies.

Cat Noir grins. Awesome! Using that Hakuna Matata to make you virtually unbeatable in history. Such a brilliant idea!'

'Yes, that's it, that's exactly what it was!' Ladybug replies.

Joan slow claps. 'Oh well, bravo. Don't you think you should tell him the real reason?'

'Shhh, later, there's no time!' Ladybug replies.

'But history knowledge won't do us any good here' Cat Noir says sadly.

'What do you mean?' Ladybug asks him.

'Can you repeat the question?' Cat Noir asks the Book of Truth.

Book of Truth: "What will the weather be like in Paris on July 14, 200 years from now?"

Ladybug is puzzled. 'But that's not a history question, it's a science-fiction question!'

Monarch grins from his lair. "A question about the future. There's no way she can answer it!"

Pharaoh grins. "Unless she appeals to my sister. You'll soon have the Miraculous that eludes you, Monarch!"

'Only Bunnyx can answer that!' Cat Noir replies.

'But she can't return to the present! It's too dangerous and we have very little time! Lucky Charm!' Ladybug cried as she receives a fountain pen.

'And what shall you be doing with your puny little sword?' Joan asks.

Ladybug's vision highlights a rack of promotional pamphlets, the cat statues in the hall, her fountain pen, and the painting of a past Rabbit Miraculous holder.

Ladybug smiles. 'We're going to send a letter. And fast!'

She starts writing: "Dear Alix, I hope you're well. I know for a fact that everyone who loves you is thinking of you. Your brother misses you so much that he got akumatized. But don't worry, I know how to save him with your help. In my future, you'll find this message. Use the Burrow to see what the weather will be like in Paris on July 14, 200 years from this day. Write down information on this leaflet. Finally, go back to my past and hide the leaflet in the Egyptian gallery. Just put it under the cat I circled in the picture. Thanks in advance. XOXO, Ladybug."

Alix discovers the letter underneath the painting while attempting a reunion of her own in the future. She transforms, fulfills Ladybug's request and writes an additional message while in the Burrow. Returning it to the recent past under the cat statue, Ladybug takes the leaflet out from underneath the cat statue in the present and reads the message on it.

'There will be a thunderstorm!' Ladybug exclaims.

Pharaoh asks: 'Book of Truth, is it true or false?'

Book of Truth: "True!"

Pharaoh growls. "That's impossible, she can't know that!"

Book of Truth: "The truth always prevails!"

The final barrier collapses. The heroes finally face Pharaoh.

'No! You just got lucky!' Pharaoh cries angrily.

'No, it was all about teamwork!' Ladybug replies.

Joan pulls out her sword. 'Charge!' she says as she tries running the villain through, but passes through Pharaoh and falls over. 'Ugh, I keep forgetting...'

Pharaoh fights Ladybug. 'See, dad? Ladybug found a ruse so she wouldn't have to bring Alix back physically. I was right! She's nothing but a power-hungry manipulator! She's the villain, not Monarch!'

'Cat Noir, look! That's where the Megakuma must be!' Ladybug cried.

'Got it! Cataclysm!' Cat Noir cried as he jumps across a few pillars, then above Pharaoh. He touches the Shell-ter protecting the Book of Truth and destroys it. Ladybug throws her yo-yo at the object.

'Shell-ter!' Pharaoh cries creating a new barrier around the Book of Truth before Ladybug's yo-yo could make contact.

'Oh no!' Ladybug and Cat Noir cry out.

Pharaoh captures Cat Noir. 'Come on, Ladybug. Give me your earrings and admit that you're the villain! Unless you want me to find out the truth about Cat Noir's identity!'

Monarch grins evilly. "It's all over for you, Ladybug!"

'Why are you not doing anything? Charge!' Joan says.

I am doing something, I'm thinking.' Ladybug closes her eyes and thinks, then gasps. 'Pharaoh, you put all those people in danger just to find out if I'm the villain. If your book really knows everything, why don't you ask it and find out for sure?'

Pharaoh considers. 'Well... I could do that...'

He throws Cat Noir who lands on his feet. Ladybug is glad he's okay.

'Come on, ask it!' Ladybug says again.

Monarch speaks to him from his lair: "Don't listen to her, she's just trying to put doubt in your mind!"

Pharaoh shakes his head. "I have to know! Book of Truth, is Ladybug really the heroine she claims to be? Did Alix really leave of her own free will to help Ladybug?"

Monarch groans. "No, no!"

Book of Truth: "True!"

Pharaoh growls. "Monarch, you lied to me! Take back your blasted powers!"

Pharaoh breaks out of his akumatization. The barrier protecting the Book of Truth shatters and the object, along with the supervillain, are both deakumatized.

Ladybug swings her yo-yo. 'No more evil-doing for you, Megakuma. Time to de-evilize!' She catches the Megakuma in her yo-yo. 'Gotcha!' She releases the purified butterfly. 'Bye-bye, little butterfly. Miraculous Ladybug!' The miraculous ladybugs fix all the damage caused by the fight.

Jalil sighs. 'I'm sorry I doubted you, Ladybug. It wasn't Alix who got duped, it was me. All that social media... and Monarch...'

Ladybug smiles. 'Yes, but the fact that you rejected the Megakuma shows that you were able to think for yourself, Jalil. Your sister is proud of you.'

'How do you know that?' Jalil asked her.

'She left me a little message for you' Ladybug smiles, giving him the pamphlet.

Jalil reads it. 'Come on, get your head up and raise your fist, bro.' He looks up to see Ladybug and Cat Noir with their fists up.

'Pound it!' Ladybug, Cat Noir and Jalil say together as they triple fist bump.

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