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Ladybug meanwhile, had found the villain and was studying them. Ladybug sighed. Where are the others? she wondered and decided to call them up on conference call:

Ladybug: "Black Shadow, Eagle, Uncanny, Grey Wolf? Where are you guys?"

Black Shadow: "Keeping an eye on the villain near the Parc Des Princes!"

Uncanny: "I'm with the villain near the Louvre!"

Grey Wolf: "I'm with one at the Place des Voyages!"

Eagle: "I'm with one at DuPont High School!"

Ladybug: "I think there must be multiples of the same villain! She must have the power of the mouse!"

Penelope spots Ladybug and runs up to her. 'Ladybug!'

'Please citizen, it's not safe! Please stay indoors!' Ladybug replied.

'But that's my sister Ashleigh, Ladybug. You have to save her!' Penelope pleaded.

Ladybug gasped. 'You saw her get akumatised?'

Penelope nodded. 'Yes, I witnessed the whole thing!'

Ladybug smiled. 'Tell me everything you know!' she asked her.

Underdog spots them. 'Not so fast Lady loser! What do you think you're doing with my sister?'

Penelope pleads with her. 'Please don't do this sis! It's not worth it!'

Underdog growls. 'But I am doing the community a favour! No longer do we have to live under oppression! We can be free from Persephone's tyranny over us forever!'

'Please sis, not like this!' Penelope replied.

'You're making people rebel against authority for the wrong reasons!' Ladybug replies.

'I don't care!' Underdog replies. 'Nobody has a right to tell anyone what to do! Just let me touch you sis, and you can be free!'

'Not today!' Ladybug replies as she swings away with Penelope and Underdog can't keep up.

'Get back here you blasted bug!' Underdog growled.

Once they were safely out of sight from Underdog, Ladybug asked the other heroes: 'Can all of you still hear me?'

After they all confirmed they could, she asks Penelope: 'Okay, fill us in on what happened.'

Penelope took a deep breath.

'Well, our sister Persephone likes to rule over us with an iron fist. And she wouldn't let Ashleigh go to a birthday party for a girl in her dance class.'

'Whyever not?' Ladybug asked.

'She thinks it will make our family look bad if we're seen fraternising with others below our social status. She's a stickler for that.'

"What a horrible sister!" Eagle said on the conference call.

"You said it!" Uncanny replied.

"With a sister like that, who needs enemies!" Black Shadow replied.

"No wonder Ashleigh feels the way she does" Grey Wolf adds.

'But still, positive guidance and direction are important. Without them, society will fall into anarchy' Ladybug replies. 'Thank you for your help, uh....'

'Penelope!' she replied. 'Oh, I don't know if it's important, but she asked me for my Alias ring, after she was akumatised.'

'Interesting....' Ladybug replied. 'Did you see where the Akuma went?'

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें