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As Marinette went back home on her scooter, over at the Truman Manor, Persephone was in her room, holding a picture frame with Owen's face.

'Oh Owiekins, how I want to someday make you mine! And stop hanging out with that lame hippie girl and all her weird little friends. And especially that Zoe!' she growled, throwing a dart at her dart board on the back of her door which had a picture of Zoe's face on it.

'Right between the eyes. That was cleansing...' Persephone smiled, hugging Owen's picture to her chest.

She sighed. I need to get out of this room she thought to herself. Maybe go for a walk, who knows I might bump into Owen alone and have him all to myself! She grinned with hearts in her eyes at the thought.

She went out of her room and saw a colourful sheet of paper on the kitchen bench. What's this? she thought picking it up and reading it:

Dear Ashleigh, you're invited to Boogie on Down to Amber's Sweet Sixteenth birthday party? Oh, heck no!

She took the invitation to Ashleigh's room and burst in without even knocking.

Penelope was in there too; Ashleigh and Penelope were sitting on Ashleigh's bed talking when they were startled by Persephone's suddenly entrance.

'Hey, heard of knocking?' Penelope said bravely as she covered her mouth, realising what she just did.

'Did you just... raise your voice to me?' Persephone asked with a raised eyebrow as Penelope shook her head, still covering her mouth.

'I'll deal with YOU later' Persephone hissed at Penelope. 'What I WANT to do is talk to Ashleigh' Persephone smirked, as Ashleigh gulped wondering what she'd done.

'Ashleigh..... Ashleigh, Ashleigh, Ashleigh, Ashleigh....' Persephone grinned mischievously in a teasing way. 'Just when were you going to tell me about this?' she said, bringing out the colourful invitation from behind her back and swinging it back in forth in front of her, almost like a pendulum as Ashleigh gulped again, kicking herself for forgetting to hide it.

Persephone rolls her eyes and goes over to the door, closes it and locks it and sighs with an exasperated tone.

'Do I have to go over the Triplet Rules once again? Hmmmm? Because I feel you two have forgotten that I am the top dog around here, and you two are simply little baby puppies in constant training!' She sighs annoyed.

'Rule number one!' she bellows, that makes Ashleigh and Penelope jump. 'No, and I repeat, NO cutting or colouring of hair will be allowed. We must look the same at all times! Rule number two! Ashleigh and Penelope must do whatever I ask of them at all times!'

Ashleigh and Penelope look worriedly at each other.

'Rule number three!' Persephone continued. 'You will not, and I repeat NOT raise your voice to your illustrious leader!' Persephone glared at Penelope who nodded.

'Rule number four!' Persephone continued. 'If either of you is invited to a party by anyone other than Owen you are not allowed to go. Especially when it's that hippie, environmentalist, do-gooder, tree-hugger, wannabe dancer who thinks she's better than everyone else!'

Ashleigh gulped as Persephone smirked and walked over to her.

'I hope you weren't planning on going to this lame little shindig' she said, smirking as she slowly tore up the invitation in front of her as Penelope gasped, watching on, still covering her mouth.

'Because unless you want the whole world to know about your vintage Barbie doll collection, I would advise against it!' Persephone grimaced as she tore it up into eight pieces and threw them up in the air as Ashleigh watched them fall to the floor, with tears in her eyes.

She turns to head out of the room but stops to glare at Penelope. 'I'm feeling lenient today. That's one strike against you, Penelope Truman. You owe me big!' Persephone exclaimed as Penelope nodded, finally removing her hands from her mouth. 'Y-yes ma'am, thank you ma'am!' Penelope stammered.

Persephone grinned sweetly as she unlocked the door and opened it and headed out. 'Have a nice day!' she said in a sing-songy voice as she closed the door, Ashleigh dropping to the floor as tears started streaming down her face.

Ashleigh begins silently picking up the torn invitation pieces, before sniffing sadly.

'Oh sis, I'm so sorry!' Penelope says, kneeling down to try to comfort her. 'She never lets me go anywhere remotely fun either.'

Ashleigh became angry. 'It's not fair!' she growled. 'Why just because she was born first gives her the audacity to think she can boss us around? I'm sick of it!'

Ashleigh holds the torn pieces of the invitation in one hand and balls her hand into a fist with the other.

Meanwhile, the window in Monarch's lair opened, as Nathalie stands there. 'I'm detecting a very strong angry emotion. Nooroo, dark wings rise!' She transforms into Madame Butterfly and makes an Akuma in her hand.

'Ahh, a young lady feeling oppressed by her tyrant of a sister. Who wants to escape her tyranny once and for all! Kaalki, your power is now mine!' she says as Kaalki's pod hovers over to her. 'Voyage my megakuma, and use this girl's anger to our advantage!'

She creates a portal into Ashleigh's room as the Akuma lands on the pieces of invitation in Ashleigh's hand.

The Akuma symbol appeared over Ashleigh's face as Penelope gasps in horror.

Madame Butterfly speaks to her from Monarch's lair. "Underdog, this is Madame Butterfly, Monarch's assistant. I am giving you the opportunity of a lifetime by helping you get revenge on your tyrant of a sister by liberating all who are oppressed by tyranny in Paris! All I ask in return are Ladybug and Cat Noir's miraculous! Do we have a deal Underdog?"

"Yes! I will free everyone from their oppression and be their superhero!" Ashleigh grins as purple ether engulfs her and she transforms into a dog like hero with a cape.

Penelope gasps. 'Ashleigh, no! Don't do this!'

'I'm not Ashleigh any more. I'm Underdog. And I'm doing good for the people of Paris who are undermined by authority!' Underdog replies as Madame Butterfly sees Penelope also has an Alias ring.

"Borrow your sisters Alias ring Underdog! Then I can make you even more powerful!" Madame Butterfly says to her from Monarch's lair.

'Give me your Alias ring dear sister. And I will give you the freedom we rightly deserve!' Underdog smiles as Penelope still slightly in shock, but moved by her promise, complies with her request and gives Underdog her Alias ring.

Underdog puts it on her finger as Madame Butterfly grins. 'Mullo and Orikko, your powers are now mine!' she says, absorbing them into their respective rings on her hand. 'Transfer!' Madame Butterfly says, transferring the rooster and mouse power to each Alias ring on Underdog's fingers.

"Now you have the power of Multiplication to make capturing your Akuma more difficult and giving you more range to spread your power of liberation to whomever you touch with your akumatised object!"

"Yes! The power of liberation for all! Underdog to the rescue!" she says running outside as Penelope follows her.

'I thought that was the Eagle's power from the native American box!' Roarr whispered to Sass.

'Unfortunately, Orikko's power isss only limited to not duplicating the powers of their own miracle box' Sass explained.

The Kwamis whimper sadly.

'Multitude!' Underdog says once outside, as 7 copies of her appear in front of her, as she gives them each a piece of the invitation.

'Go spread liberation to all of Paris, my fellow Underdogs!'

'Yes! Liberty and justice for all!' they reply in unison and split up.

Penelope watches from behind a tree. Please hurry and save my sister Ladybug she thought to herself.

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