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Marinette texted Luka after school about the arcade trip.

Mari: "Hey my prince!"
Luka: "Hey angel. How was school?"
Mari: "Been kinda stressful lately, a lot of exams and assignments due this week"
Luka: Yeah, same here funnily enough!"
Mari: "Yeah, so Alya had the idea to do something fun on Friday, so we decided to go to the arcade that recently opened after school. You interested?"
Luka: Oh, NRG Zone Arcade? Yeah, I saw a poster for it the other day. Sounds like fun, I love arcades!"
Mari: "Great! Let's meet there at 3:30 then!"
Luka: "I could even pick you up from school. Can't wait to win you something cute 😘"
Mari: "Aww. You're so sweet! 😍"
Luka: "You're sweeter ❤"
Mari: "😊"

Friday quickly came.

Zoe was in principal Damocles office.

'I hear you're leaving us after today, Miss Lee' Mr Damocles said.

'Yes sir. It's nothing personal, I love DuPont, and I am sad to go. But I have heard great things about this performing arts school and...'

Mr Damocles smiled. 'No need to fret my dear. I know the principal of the performing arts school that you are attending. We have been good friends for many years. And Mayor Bourgeois has told me you are thinking about your future. And that is very encouraging to see. The Conservatoire de Bordeaux Jacques Thibaud School of Performing Arts is a very highly regarded school. One of the best performing art schools in Paris. I'm sure you will make the new school and yourself very proud.'

She gets up and shakes his hand.

'Good luck Miss Lee. In all your future endeavours' Mr Damocles smiled.

Zoe smiled. 'Thank you sir. For everything. I really appreciate it.'

'Morning Alya!' Marinette said to her best friend as she came up the stairs to school.

'Morning girl!" Alya replied as they hugged.

'Looking forward to this afternoon?' Mari grinned.

'Absolutely!' Alya replied. 'That math test yesterday was challenging. But I studied really hard the night before so I think I did okay.'

'Me too' Mari smiled. 'Got my geography assignment too!' She held up her typed assignment.

'Yeah, same!' Alya replied, holding up her assignment. 'Have you made a start on the Egypt one?'

'Yep, three quarters of the way done!' Mari replied.

'Wow, I'm only about halfway done' Alya replied. 'At least I'll have the weekend to finish it.' She sighs. 'I'm so glad for this afternoon, we so need this! Is Luka coming?'

'Yeah, he said Amber, Joshua and Owen are coming along too! That way Zoe can meet some fellow students before she starts at the new school.'

'That's a clever idea!' Alya replies. 'Yeah, I almost forgot it was her last day at our school. Today will be a good send off then.' She smiles.

'Yeah!' Mari agrees. 'And we'll still see her at Kitty Section rehearsals no doubt!'

'For sure!' Alya winks. 'Oh, there's Adrien and Nino! Hey guys!'

'Hey Alya!' they reply as Nino puts his arm around Alya.

'Looking forward to the arcade this afternoon?' Alya asked them.

'For sure!' Nino replies.

'Yeah, my father is actually letting me go for once' Adrien replies. 'Now that I don't have as many modelling responsibilities, it gives me a lot more free time. Unfortunately, Kagami told me she's not going to be able to make it.'

'Oh, that's a shame' Mari replied. 'What happened?'

'She texted me this morning that she's feeling a little under the weather. So I'll make sure I win her something nice at the arcade' Adrien smiles.

'Oh that's sweet!' Alya replies.

'I hope Kagami feels better soon!' Mari replies.

'Me too!' Adrien replies. They head inside and into class together.

Ms Bustier was up the front with another lady.

'Oh right, I almost forgot we were meeting our new teacher today' Alya smiled.

Marinette looked at the new teacher intently. I'm sure I remember her from somewhere she thought to herself. But she didn't want to say anything until she had worked it out.

'Good morning class' Ms Bustier greeted them. 'I would like you to meet Anne-Jeanne, your new teacher while I am away. I have filled her in on everything you've been learning about so far.'

Max and Markov smiled. Mari suddenly realised. I remember now she thought to herself. Cat Noir and Ladybug helped her when her dinosaurs went out of control.

'I already know Max and Markov. I can't wait to get to know you all a lot better over the next year we are together' Anne-Jeanne smiled.

'She seems nice' Kim whispers to Max. 'At least it's not Ms Mandeleiv.'

'She is nice' Max replied. 'And she's a really great scientist and friend. You'll like her.'

'I look forward to receiving your assignments on ancient Egypt on Monday' Anne-Jeanne smiled at the end of class.

A couple of students still groaned a little but most had at least made a start.

The students all hugged Ms Bustier as they left the classroom to wish her well, and shook Anne-Jeanne's hand.

'Anne-Jeanne seems really nice' Alya smiled at Mari in the hallway. 'And although I'm going to miss Ms Bustier, I think she'll make a great replacement.'

'I think so too' Mari smiled.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now