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The next day, on Sunday morning, Marinette had texted Jessica and Aeon to meet them at the Liberty and gave them the location.

Mari: "Hey Aeon, can you invite the Grey Wolf hero? I would myself but I don't know who he is."

Aeon: "I did ask him, he said to thank you for the invitation but that he'd be busy today, but you'll see him at school tomorrow."

Mari: "Oh okay, great, I just didn't want him to think he's not invited."

Aeon: "I understand. We'll meet you there soon!"

Jess: "It will be great to see everyone again. Looking forward to it!"

Mari: "The gang will be so excited! I'm keeping your arrival a surprise so I'm sure they will be excited to see you both!"

Jess: "Yeah, Friendship week that time felt like eons ago."

Aeon: "Indeed. Will be wonderful to catch up with everyone."

Mari: "Yes! See you on board!"

Aeon and Jess: "See you!"

After sending, all parties deleted all messages for security reasons.

Mari was finishing getting ready after helping her dad in the bakery that morning.

'That was a busy morning Tikki! Phew! I don't know how mom does it day in day out!'

Tikki smiled. 'Still, it was nice of you to help your mom out Marinette when she said she had... what was it again?'

'Morning sickness, Tikki. It's something that pregnant women get from time to time.'

'Oh yes, that pharmacist sounded nice' Tikki smiled.

'Oh, I almost forgot, I got you some breakfast' Marinette replied as she went to her apron she had taken off and took a Strawblueberry Delight macaron out of the pocket.

'Here you go Tikki' Marinette said handing her the macaron.

'Thanks Marinette! What about your breakfast?' Tikki replied as she bit into her macaron.

'I had an early one with dad before opening the shop, some French toast and fruit salad. Hmm...'

Mari put the shell clip in her hair Luka chose for her at the aquarium a few weeks ago.

'Perfect' Mari smiled as she brushed her hair and put on some lip gloss.

Tikki had just finished her macaron.

'Let's go Tikki!' Marinette said as Tikki flew into her purse.

'Feel better mom!' Marinette said as she kissed her on the cheek before walking out the door.

'Thanks sweetie, I feel better already with these pills. Thank you for getting them for me!' Sabine smiled.

'No problem mom! Off to Kitty Section rehearsals now. See you later!'

'Bye sweetie!' her mom waved as she slipped her green tea.

'Bye Dad! Mari waved as she went out the bakery door.

'Bye sweetheart, thanks for the help!' Tom replied.

'No problem, Dad!' Mari called back as she went out onto the street.

She went over to the Liberty where Juleka, Ivan and Rose were preparing for rehearsals.

'Hey Luka!' Marinette smiled, hugging her boyfriend.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now