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After school, a beaming Marinette and a perplexed Socqueline get on the bus. They both have a gym bag in addition to their school bags. Marinette for the swimming pool, Socqueline for her Taekwondo gear.

Socqueline looks worried. 'So... you're going just like that? What are you gonna say to him?'

They sit down together on the bus.

'I don't know... I'll just see if we're having a good time, and if I feel like the moment's right at some point, I'll just tell him how I feel, that's it. This isn't Taekwondo, Socqueline! We're just going to the swimming pool. I don't need a plan or to go over my every move!'

Socqueline looks worried still. The bus stops in front of the swimming pool. They hug goodbye.

'I'll tell you how it went tomorrow!' Marinette says as she gets up to alight.

'Right...' Socqueline replies.

Marinette gets off and the bus leaves. Socqueline is still worried. Suddenly, she cracks, gets up and calls for the driver to stop at the next station.

At the swimming pool, under the kindly eye of the lifeguard, Marinette is indeed having a good time with Kim. They swim, laugh, splash about and have a great time.

They end up sitting next to each other on the diving board, their legs dangling. Marinette takes the figurative plunge.

'You know, Kim... I think you're really funny... and nice... and sweet, too. And, uh... I think... I think I'd like us to be more than friends!'

There's a switch in Kim's gaze, as if he'd just heard a signal for something. Suddenly trying to act very serious, he grabs Marinette's hands and looks straight in her eyes. It's obvious that he's playing a role, as if following directions... previously whispered into his ear by Chloe.

'You do? Whoa, I can't believe this!'

He kneels down on the diving board, pulls out a ring box and holds it out to her.

'Oh, Marinette, when you're around, I feel like I'm in a dream! As if I were swimming in the awesomest ocean! I'd give you every pool floatie in the world if I could, but all I have is this tiny... thing!?'

Marinette is surprised at first.

'Say something! Don't leave me hanging like this!' Kim smiles up at her.

She finally gives in to the whole "every princess's dream" side of the situation and makes him a huge declaration.

'Oh, Kim... I love you!'

She emotionally takes the box from him and opens it and gets a nasty shock. Spiders come out of it and start crawling on her arms! She jumps and screams while Kim bursts out laughing.


'Hahahahahaha!' Kim chuckles, holding his sides.

Marinette can't even talk, she clumsily juggles with the box before throwing it to Kim, who's convulsed with laughter.

'Chloe was right, spiders are hilarious!' Kim says.

Marinette lets out desperate little squeaks as she steps back from the spiders that are nearing her bare feet. As the arachnids start to climb her feet, she tumbles off the board...

In a slow-motion fall, she sees Chloe and Sabrina -- Sabrina's filming the whole scene from the bleachers. Their cruel laughter accompanies Marinette until she lands in the water, amid the spiders.

The lifeguard helps her out of the pool and shouts out to Chloe and Sabrina, who are already running away.

'Hey! You two!'

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now