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Adrien and Kagami go back to the car.

'Why were you ever friends with her?' Kagami asked him. 'Was she always like this?'

Adrien sighed. 'No, she wasn't always like this. You see... before I was allowed outside, Chloe was my only friend. Before you guys. She wasn't always mean and stuff. She had a life, parents, place to live, but all of that changed for her. Her mom left Paris and went to New York since she's a famous fashion designer. That took a toll for the worse on Chloe. She misses her mom everyday, even though she has a dad, it still wasn't sitting right. Even when she came back to Paris from my last fashion show, she said Chloe wasn't exceptional, she didn't take it to heart. So, you see, she's been like this ever since her mom left. I thought she would change her ways to be a better person, but... looks like she incapable of doing that.'

Kagami sighed. 'Some people can't change their ways. But I don't trust Chloe and Lila as far as I can throw them. Especially that Lila. She seems conceited and just says things to get what she wants.'

Adrien nods. 'She does give off that vibe. You know, they say upbringing determines how you act towards others. But I don't believe that's entirely true.'

Kagami puts her hand over Adrien's. 'Sooner or later, they'll get what's coming to them. Maybe then they'll learn their lesson. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow. But eventually karma will get them in the end.'

'One can only hope my princess, one can only hope' Adrien says as his train of thought is interrupted as his phone beeps with a message.

Adrien realises how much time he's spent fighting the Akuma and seeing Chloe. He takes his phone out of his pocket and looks at it. It's a message from Nino.

Nino: "Hey dude, where'd you go off too? I just checked the restroom and you weren't there!"

Adrien sighed and texted him back: "Be right there."

'Uh-oh. Nino's going to start asking questions' Adrien says to Kagami.

'He is your best friend' Kagami replied. 'Maybe you should just tell him.'

'But then I'd have three people knowing' Adrien replied. 'I mean what's the point of a secret identity if too many people know about it?'

'As long as they're people you trust, it's okay' Kagami smiles. 'Your heart will give you the answer when the time is right.'

'Okay, I'll think about it' Adrien smiled and nodded as he kissed her cheek.

Tatsu dropped him off near the arcade as Nino was waiting outside on a bench.

Adrien walked up and sat next to him.

'Dude! There you are! Where'd you go?' Nino asked.

'Dude! There you are! Where'd you go?' Nino asked

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'Sorry Nino... Kagami told me Kim got akumatised at the pool. Apparently, he was playing a prank on Ondine and played the same prank, only worse, on Marinette a few years before. And it was all orchestrated by Chloe. Kagami and I just went over to ask Chloe to apologise to Marinette, but she refused. So, I told her I am done with being friends with her.'

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now