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Before they went their separate ways to detransform, Cat Noir turned to Ladybug.

'We still on for patrol later LB?' he asked.

'For sure kitty! Meet you at our rendezvous point at 6pm!' Ladybug replies.

'I'll be there with bells on, well, one anyway!' Cat Noir winks, flicking his bell as he vaults away.

Ladybug chuckled and shook her head.

'Is he always like that, with the bad puns?' Joan asks. Ladybug laughs.

The lair to Monarch's window closes. He leaves his lair and detransforms. Gabriel opens the door to Nathalie's bedroom.

'I'm sorry Nathalie. I thought my plan was foolproof, but Ladybug keeps outsmarting me at every turn.'

'I know Gabriel, it's not your fault' Nathalie replied with a slight smile.

'I just know we can't give up. For Adrien's sake...' Gabriel replies as they look at each other worriedly.

Meanwhile, Luka was working his shift at the music shop when a mother and her 10 year old son came in which made the bell above the door jingle. The boy walked further into the shop. Luka noticed as he walked by him, that the boy seemed a little upset.

'Can I help you ma'am?' Luka smiles.

The mother, whose name was Claire, sighs.

'My son Jayden was learning the violin. However, he doesn't seem to have much patience for it. I told him he's improving, but he doesn't seem to think so. Also, the kids at his school are bullying him about learning what they think is a girly instrument.'

Luka smiled. 'Maybe I can give him some encouragement.'

'Anything you could do to improve his confidence would be much appreciated!' Claire replied.

Luka walks around and spots Jayden in the corner of the shop, looking at the flutes.

Jayden sighs. I wonder if I could play this instead... he thought to himself.

'Hi...Jayden, is it?' Luka asked him.

Jayden gasped and turned around.

Luka put his hands up to his chest. 'Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I'm Luka. Your mom tells me you're learning violin?'

Jayden looked down, furrowing his brow. 'I don't want to play it anymore, it's a girly instrument anyway' he huffed as he folded his arms.

'Well, I don't think so. I play violin, and I'm not a girl' Luka smiled.

Jayden looked at him with a raised eyebrow. 'You do? Really?'

'Sure do! I'll show you' Luka replied, as he picks up a violin and starts to play it.

Jayden listened in amazement.

Luka finished his piece and smiled.

'Wow, that sounded amazing! I wish I could sound as good as that!' Jayden exclaimed.

'You can, with practice. Practice makes perfect' Luka reminded him.

Luka held the violin out to Jayden. 'Will you play for me?'

Jayden shook his head apprehensively. 'Oh no, I wouldn't sound as good as you...'

Luka smiled. 'I'll be the judge of that. Please play it for me.'

Jayden hesitantly takes the violin from Luka. 'Promise you won't laugh?' Jayden asks him hopefully.

Luka smiles. 'I promise. Go ahead.'

'Okay...' Jayden begins to play Mary Had a Little Lamb. Although he made a couple of mistakes, it sounded pretty good.

Jayden was surprised. 'Wow, I sound better on this violin for some reason.' He gasped. 'Are you magic?'

Luka chuckled. 'I don't know about magic. But sometimes it just takes a little encouragement for us to realise that we are better than we thought we were. Which violin are you using?'

'My mom has it, I'll go get it' Jayden replied as he ran off.

He comes back with his violin case and Luka opens it, inspecting the violin and the bow. 'Hmm, I think I know why the violin you just played for me sounded better.'

'Really? Why?' Jayden asked, puzzled.

'It's because of the bow. Just as the quality of craftsmanship used to create the instrument effects the sound quality produced by it, the bow used to play it has an impact too. You can observe this by playing the same instrument with different bows. You'll hear subtle variations in the tone, projection, and timbre, just by changing your bow' Luka explained.

Luka looks along the shelf at all the different bows and selects one he thinks will be perfect for Jayden.

'Here. Try playing your violin with this one' Luka smiled, handing him the bow.

Jayden nods. 'Okay.'

Jayden played Mary Had A Little Lamb once again and it sounded as good as when he played it previously, if not better.

Jayden smiled. 'You really are magic Luka! Thank you! I'm going to ask my mom if she can buy me this new bow!'

Claire was so happy that her son was so enthusiastic about the violin again. She happily purchases the new bow for him.

Claire shakes Luka's hand. 'I can't thank you enough for making my little boy so happy!'

Luka smiles. 'No problem at all ma'am. Happy to help.'

'Thanks Luka!' Jayden smiles.

'You're welcome Jayden. And if those bullies give you any more trouble, just send them round to me. I'll give them a show and they'll see how great the violin can be!' Luka grins.

Jayden giggled. 'Thanks magic Luka!'

He waved as he and his mom left the shop.

Mr Handel smiled. 'Your first sale, I'm impressed! I knew I was right to hire you.'

Luka smiled and blushed slightly.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt