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Meanwhile, a young man in his early 20's named Jonathan who works at the aquarium was about to have a meeting with his supervisor about whether he can take on extra duties at the aquarium. Including looking after the largest tank in the whole aquarium.

He knocked on the door.

'Who is it?' a voice answers.

Jonathan opened the door. 'Hi Mr Watkins. I wanted to have a meeting with you?' he asks.

'Make it quick kid, I gotta go to an appointment soon' Mr Watkins replied.

'Yes, of course.... uh, it's just about the new junior supervisor position?' Jonathan asks.

'What about it?' Mr Watkins replies.

'Well, I was rather hoping to be considered for the position. I put my application in last week and I hadn't heard anything back yet.'

Mr Watkins scoffed. 'You? Junior supervisor?'

Jonathan furrowed his brow. 'I don't see why not. The marine life have been much healthier and active since I started working here nine months ago. I always offer to do overtime and extra hours if anyone needs someone to cover their shift.'

Mr Watkins chuckled. 'Be that as it may kid, I hate to break it to you, but I think we're going to go with someone a little bit more experienced. That 25 year old Darryl is probably going to be the one to get the position.'

Johnathan is flabbergasted. 'Darryl?!?! He's always leaving early, always asks me to do his work so he can have smoke breaks all the time!'

'Exactly, he delegates' Mr Watkins replied. 'That's what supervisors do. And supervisors are entitled to leave early.'

'But he's not one yet! I guarantee if you make Darryl supervisor this place will really suffer' Jonathan replies.

Mr Watkins sighed. 'What can I tell ya kid, that's life. Anyway, I got another appointment with the superintendent and I can't keep him waiting. Excuse me.'

Mr Watkins goes out of his office, leaving Jonathan feeling cheated. He takes off his cap and sighs.

Jonathan thinks to himself: That Darryl is a jerk. I saw him flick cigarette butts into a tank only yesterday. He makes me so angry. He clenches his cap in frustration.

The window in Monarch's lair opens again. 'Ahh..I knew it wouldn't be long! I sense the emotion of a dedicated worker not getting the recognition he deserves and sees it given to someone else not even worthy of the uniform. I'll soon fix that! Kaalki, your power is now mine!'

Kaalki's pod flies over to him and Kaalki gets absorbed into the horse ring.

'Voyage my megakuma and evilize his passionate heart!' Monarch says as a portal opens and the akuma flies through.

The akuma passed through the portal and entered Jonathan's cap he was holding.

Monarch speaks to him from his lair: "Davey Jones, I am Monarch. You want to prove to people you can be a better employee than lowlifes like others who don't care about your passion. But you'll show them what it means to be a caretaker and take charge. I can give you the power to control all marine life by using mind powers, along with some confusion for your enemies. In order to fulfill this power, you must bring me two special artifacts, the miraculouses that belong to Ladybug and Cat Noir."

Jonathan grins. "They'll see who's the best, Monarch!"

Jonathan transforms into Davey Jones.

'Xuppu, your power is now mine!' Monarch says as the pod Xuppu was in flies over to him. He absorbs the power and Xuppu disappears into the ring he is wearing.

'Transfer!' Monarch says, transferring the power of the monkey though Davey Jones Alias ring.

Monarch grins. 'You're in for a big surprise, Ladybug and Cat Noir!' he cries.

Davey Jones, meanwhile, finds Darryl in his usual place having a smoke.

'Well, well, well. If it isn't my good old work colleague Darryl.' Davey Jones smirks.

'Jonathan? Is that you? You look different. Had a makeover or something?' Darryl asks.

'Or something. But I'm not letting you get a promotion you don't deserve.' Davey Jones replies.

Darryl scoffs. 'Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?'

He flicks his cigarette butt into the octopus tank.

Davey Jones sees this and growls angrily. 'This! Get him my pretties!'

His hat glows as he shoots out mind control waves that make the octopuses appear and grab Darryl's arms and legs with their tentacles immobilising him.

'Hey! What's going on?' Darryl says.

'Silence!' Davey Jones says as a starfish comes and places itself over Darryl's mouth to prevent him from speaking. 'I'm going to show the whole aquarium staff your misdeeds around here....starting with your cigarette butt collection! And you can't stop me!'

'Mmm!' Darryl murmured, unable to speak due to the starfish. He secretly presses a button on his walkie talkie to alert the presence of an akuma alert.

While this was happening, Luka and Marinette were watching the seal show.

The lady trainer named Sophia was introducing her seal partner.

'Hello everyone and welcome to the seal show. My name is Sophia and this is my partner Spike the seal. Say hello Spike!'

Spike barked and clapped his flippers together.

'Aww!' Mari smiled.

'First off, we're going to play a game of fetch!' Sophia said. She shows Spike a flashcard that has a picture of a bowling pin on it. 'Spike, fetch me the bowling pin please!'

Spike swims out to a small floating pad in the water with a bowling pin on it. He picks it up in his mouth and brings it back to Sophie.

'Thank you Spike!' she smiles as the audience applauds. She gives him a fish from her pouch on her hip.

'Next, could you please fetch me the tennis ball Spike?' Sophia says, showing him the picture of the tennis ball.

Spike barks as he dives into the water and fetches the tennis ball, and brings it back. The audience claps excitedly again as she gives Spike another small fish.

'Could you fetch this one for me please?' Sophia says, holding up another card that had a hat on it.

'Wait, that's not right!' Sophia says as Spike barks playfully and takes Sophia's hat off her head.

Sophie and the audience laugh. 'I don't know how a picture of my hat got in there, but thank you Spike! I guess that deserves another fish!'

The audience clap as she throws Spike a fish which he catches in his mouth.

Suddenly an akuma alert sounds.

Announcer: "Akuma alert. All visitors are asked to take shelter immediately and remain in hiding until the threat is passed. Please move quickly and orderly. Do not panic. Please wait until Ladybug and Cat Noir have dealt with this threat and the all clear is announced. Thank you."

Mari sighed. 'Just when I was starting to relax and enjoy myself...'

Luka kissed her hair. 'I'll take your backpack angel. Stay safe my melody!'

'You know I will!' Mari winked in reply as she ran off to a secluded place to transform.

Tikki flew out of her purse. 'Boy, no rest for the weary, huh Marinette?'

'You got that right. Tikki, spots on!' Mari cries out as she transforms into Ladybug. I hope Cat Noir gets the memo she thought to herself.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin