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Ladybug meanwhile had managed to defeat the last two Underdog clones by tying them up with her yo-yo, as Black Shadow grabbed their invitation pieces and tore them up and captured the Akumas in a Mason jar.

'One to go! Time for your power Eagle!' Ladybug winked.

'Cool down!' she said as a wave went out, hitting all of Paris and turning all the citizens and Ashleigh clones back to normal.

'Ahh!' the last Underdog cried, falling on her knees as she felt her power almost drain from within her.

Persephone shook her head. 'Pitiful...' she scoffed.

Madame Butterfly growled from Monarch's lair.

The other seven Ashleigh's came up behind the last Underdog and all of them reached out and touched her.

'What's going on?' Eagle said.

'Ssshh!' Ladybug shushed her.

The heroes watched on in amazement as Underdog spoke up, almost getting her strength from the other Ashleigh clones as she looked up at Persephone, who was looking almost worried again with all these Ashleigh clones staring her down.

'You know what?' Underdog seethed. 'I don't care anymore. So, I have a vintage Barbie doll collection. So what? Tell everyone! Tell the world for all I care! What's the worst they could do to me? I can tell you now, it would be no worse than what you put Penelope and I through every single day! I'm sick and tired of you running my life for me and Penelope! We're not copies of you, we're our own people! And we deserve to be treated as such! I'm going to that party! And nothing you can say or do is going to stop me!'

'Woah, she should run for mayor!' Eagle whispered to Aeon who nodded.

Ladybug took the chance while Underdog was distracted to take the last invitation piece and tear it up capturing it in her yo-yo.

'Cataclysm!' Black Shadow whispers as he disintergrates all the Mason jars and the little Akumas fly out.

'No evildoing for you little Akumas! Time to de-evilise!' Ladybug says, swinging her yo-yo. 'Gotcha!' she says opening it. 'Bye bye little butterflies! Miraculous Ladybug!' she says, throwing the box that held the Mason jars into the air as any damage was fixed. And even the invitation to the party appeared back in Ashleigh's hand back in one piece, who was now standing alone again. But it was almost like she could still feel the strength of all her other clones pulsing through her veins.

She couldn't remember a lot of what happened as Underdog. But she does remember the last outburst she said to Persephone. And she wasn't taking it back for nothing.

Persephone puts her hand on her heart and sighs, putting her acting skills to good use, since she had five superheroes watching her.

'Oh... Ashleigh! I'm so sorry I made you feel that way! I was only looking out for what's best for you, like a big sister should! I have a lot of responsibility you know, making sure that our family only hangs out with the best people! So that you never get looked down on by others or have anyone tell you that you're not good enough and don't deserve the world! I myself miss out on a lot of parties because the people who invite me never measure up to my standards for us. I do it all for you, dear sister!'

Ashleigh rolls her eyes but before she could respond, Persephone says, 'Let's hug it out.'

And she hugs Ashleigh.

'They might buy your act, but I sure don't!' Ashleigh whispers as Persephone grins.

'I don't need you to, only them!' Persephone whispers back as she breaks out of the hug.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now