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Adrien, Gabriel, Kagami, Tamoe and Lila were coming back by train from England.

'I think this weekend was a rousing success' Tamoe pointed out.

'Yes indeed. Did you have a good time, Adrien?' Gabriel asked his son with a smile.

'Yes Dad' Adrien smiled, holding Kagami's hand. 'However, it will be good to be home.'

'Yes, it will' Kagami agreed.

'Yes. I am anxious to return home too' Gabriel replied. 'I miss Paris when I'm away from it.'

'Me too Mr Agreste' Lila smiled. 'Even with all the charity work and travelling I do, they really got it right in the Wizard of Oz with the saying; there's no place like home.'

Adrien was happy that he did get to spend more time with Kagami. But he did miss Plagg and Nathalie especially.

'I do miss Nathalie' Adrien said. 'It will be good to see her again.'

'Your hired help?' Lila replied. 'Why would you miss your servant?'

'She's more than that Lila' Adrien replied.

'Indeed Miss Rossi' Gabriel added. 'She's been a long-time family friend since before Adrien was born. And has been Adrien's primary caregiver these past few years now.'

Kagami squeezed Adrien's hand to let him know she understood. Whereas Lila was left dumbfounded by how anyone could form such an emotional attachment to an employee paid to care for someone. But she decided to keep quiet. She spent most of the weekend jealous of Adrien and Kagami's relationship and only just learned they were promised to each other when they became of age.

Lila sighed and looked out the window. Hopefully some day I'll find someone I'm meant to be with who completes me Lila smiled, getting happier at the thought.

After dinner was served on the train and they were half an hour away from Paris, Adrien asked his father if he could pick up some school notes that evening for an assignment from the same place he went to on Friday night.

Gabriel agreed as long as he wasn't long. Adrien excused himself to use the restroom and texted Luka, who had just returned home to the Liberty from dinner at Marinette's.

Adrien: "Hey. I'm coming back on the train. Are you home?"

Luka: "Hey. Yeah, just came back from dinner at Marinette's actually. How was England?"

Adrien: "Good actually. I got to spend a lot of time with Kagami and we did a bit of sightseeing. I saw on the news you had a couple of battles. And a new Ladybug hero for one of them?"

Luka: "That's good. Yeah, kinda unexpected but she did really well!"

Adrien: "Guess Ladybug was unavailable too. Just goes to show that anyone with a common goal against defeating Monarch is a worthy ally. Such as yourself! 🙂"

Luka: "Thanks. Oh, Plagg said if you can please bring something call Socky when you come and collect him?"

Adrien: "Lol, I know what he's talking about! Must have missed him. I'll be over probably in about an hour or so? I should get back to my dad before he starts wondering where I've gone."

Luka: "No problem. See you soon!"

After the train pulled into the station, Maurice was there to pick up the Agrestes and take them home. And Tamoe had arranged for Tatsu to pick her and Kagami up.

'We can give you a lift home Miss Rossi' Tamoe said.

'Oh, thank you! Only if it's no bother!' Lila replied. 'I guess my driver got the time wrong!' she added.

Adrien kissed Kagami's cheek as he bid her goodnight as she got into the car and Adrien closed the door. Lila got into the other side.

'It was great to get to know you better over this weekend Kagami. I hope we will stay in touch and become good friends!' Lila smiled.

'Yes. It was good to get to know you too' Kagami replied. 'Did you have a nice time in England too?'

'Oh yes, but of course I've been to England several times for charitable purposes. One day I will go and sightsee more for a holiday. But charity and work come first!' Lila smiled.

'Indeed' Kagami replied, but thought this girl sounded very conceited. And if there was one thing she couldn't stand, it was conceited people.

'Well, here's my stop!' Lila smiled when Tatsu announced they had arrived.

'Thank you so much for the ride, Mrs Tsurugi' Lila said as she grabbed her weekend bag and exited the car.

'You're most welcome Miss Rossi' Tamoe replied.

'See you around Kagami!' Lila smiled as Kagami simply nodded.

'Goodnight Lila' she replied as Lila closed the door and walked up to her front door as Tatsu drove off.

'I like that Miss Rossi' Tamoe said. 'She seems like a nice girl. You would do well to be friends with her. Instead of that strange friend of yours who took you swimming a while ago. What was her name? Marie Antoinette?'

'Marinette' Kagami corrected her. 'And I can have more than one friend, mother.'

'What you need is the right kind of friends' Tamoe replied. 'Ones that will make you look good always and not bring you shame and failure. I like Miss Rossi. I think she will go far in life.'

'Yes mother' Kagami sighed. That makes one of us Kagami thought to herself as Tatsu pulled up the drive. I for one don't buy her act she seems to be putting on.

Adrien and Gabriel meanwhile had come home and greeted Nathalie.

Nathalie coughed a little. 'Are you okay Nathalie?' Adrien asked, concerned as he poured her a drink of water.

'I'll be fine, Adrien. Don't worry' she replied. 'Thank you for the water' she said, taking a sip.

'I missed you Nathalie' Adrien smiled. 'I hope your weekend was restful.'

'Maybe not as much as I would have liked, but I'll be okay' Nathalie smiled.

'Go put your bag in your room son' Gabriel said. 'Didn't you say you need to visit your school friend?'

'Yes, thank you Dad, I will' Adrien replied as he hurried upstairs, threw his bag on the bed and was about to head out the door again when he remembered Socky and quickly went back for it.

'Yes, thank you Dad, I will' Adrien replied as he hurried upstairs, threw his bag on the bed and was about to head out the door again when he remembered Socky and quickly went back for it

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Wonder why Plagg wants you? he thought to himself as he hid it in his jacket and hurried back downstairs where Maurice was waiting.

While Adrien was out of the house again, Gabriel took this chance to talk to Nathalie.

Nathalie gave Gabriel back the butterfly miraculous brooch, which he pinned to his lapel again and hid behind his scarf.

'I'm sorry I've failed you, Gabriel. I wanted so much to have the cat and ladybug miraculouses as a welcome home gift for you' Nathalie said sadly.

'No Nathalie. You tried your best. And you're not at full strength. It would have taken a lot out of you. This is my fight, my wish. You shouldn't be fighting my battles for me Nathalie. It was wrong of me to ask so much of you...' Gabriel replied, hugging her.

Nathalie sighed in his arms. 'Thank you, Gabriel.'

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt