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At the Grévin Museum, Adrien and Kagami are waiting for Marinette and Luka. From afar, Kagami notices Luka and Marinette walking together toward them. She notices they aren't holding hands or anything like they normally do.

'Is it just me, or do things seem off between those two?' Kagami asks Adrien.

'Off how?' Adrien asked her.

Of course, I forgot who I was talking to Kagami thought. He couldn't even tell when Marinette had a crush on him for ages.

Kagami sighed. 'I mean they don't seem as close as normal' she replies.

'Hmm, now that you mention it, Luka and Mari do look a little down I guess' Adrien replied.

Hallelujah, we've made a breakthrough Kagami thought. 'Okay, you know Luka better and I know Marinette. Let's chat to them and see if they'll open up to us about what's troubling them. Seeing as we haven't seen them in a while, it will be great for what you call, guy and girl bonding. Catch my drift?'

'Okay, that sounds like a good idea' Adrien smiled as Luka and Marinette reached Adrien and Kagami.

'Hey guys, so glad you could come along!' Adrien said, shaking Luka's hand as he smiled slightly.

'Good to see you Marinette!' Kagami said, hugging her friend tightly.

'Good to see you too Kagami!' Mari smiled.

'Come on, let's chat for a bit' Kagami said as she and Mari went inside.

'Talk to him!' Kagami mouthed to Adrien as he and Luka followed behind the girls slowly, out of earshot.

'Everything okay Luka?' Adrien asked. 'You don't seem like your cheerful self today, if you don't mind me saying.'

Luka sighs. 'Have you ever given someone a gift and they appreciate it at first but then it becomes something you put out of sight, out of mind?'

Adrien furrows his brow. 'Hmm, oddly specific. Can't say that I have. But even if Kagami put away the dragon plushie I gave her, I wouldn't be sad or angry. I know she loves me and appreciates me. It's not material things or gifts that are important. It's what's in a person's heart that's important.'

Luka smiled. 'Thanks Adrien, that makes a lot of sense!' Luka felt a bit better and knew Adrien was right.

Adrien smiled back. 'No problem. You've given me a lot of helpful advice, it's the least I could do!'

While the boys were talking, Kagami was talking with Marinette.

'How are things going? I can't remember the last time we hung out together. Probably the swimming pool' Kagami chuckled.

Mari chuckled too. 'Yeah, good...Actually, if I'm bring honest...not so good. Luka found my old stash of Adrien's presents I made when I had a crush on him that I hadn't got around to throwing away yet.'

'Uh-oh. Was he mad?' Kagami asked her

'Not really, more just disappointed. He said he was okay about it, but I could hear it in his voice and read it on his face...'

'Maybe I can help you get rid of them. If there's anything good and not too personal, can I use them as future gifts for Adrien? You always seem to know what people will like' Kagami asked her.

Mari smiled. 'Sure! All I know is I want them out of my house. Forever!'

Inside the Grevin Museum, Véronique is holding brochures.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin