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In Adrien's room, he packs his bag for school.

Adrien smiles. 'Did you see the ring Nathalie is wearing? I'm glad she and my dad are getting along so well.' He gasps. 'A ring! How about I give a ring to Kagami?'

Plagg groans. 'Oh, don't tell me you're gonna propose to her! I can't stand that sappy stuff!'

'That would be overreacting, don't you think? We're too young for that yet. Or, I could write her a poem! How about that?'

Plagg looks at him quizzically. 'A poem for Kagami? My dear Adrien, poems are for declaring one's love for cheese!' He eats a piece of cheese. 'And until proven otherwise, Kagami is not cheese.'

'Thanks for your help, but I think I need some real advice' Adrien replies.

Meanwhile, in Nathalie's room, Nathalie is sitting on her bed.

Nathalie couldn't believe what she had witnessed. Gabriel getting cataclysmed? No... this can't be happening she thought to herself as she walks up to a framed photo of her with Gabriel and Emilie. 'Emilie...' she sighs.

Nathalie opens the portrait, revealing a safe behind it, with a phone inside. She takes out the phone, unlocks it, and browses through videos of Emilie saved on it.

Emilie: "I'm counting on you, Nathalie. I know he's as stubborn as they come and it won't be easy to convince him to stop chasing the Miraculous *cough* But you have to, for Adrien. He's going to need you both and I know you'll take care of him like a mother.'

Nathalie cries silently. 'I'm sorry, I failed you. But I promise you, I will get the Miraculous before he does. I won't let him recreate the world in the image of his madness!'

Nathalie hears knocking on the door to her room. She wipes her tears and hides the phone.

'Come in!' she says.

Adrien opens the door and enters. 'Nathalie! I was wonderi—' he says, but stops noticing she'd been crying. 'Is... everything okay?'

'Yeah, yes, everything's fine. What's going on, Adrien?' Nathalie asks him.

Adrien sits next to Nathalie. 'Well, I'm really in love with Kagami. But I want to show her how much! Should I tell her in person or write a poem like they do in books? I'm not sure what to do, actually. What about you? When you fell in love, how did you handle it?'

'Me? Uh... well, I spent most of my youth fighting snakes for antiques. Falling in love was... complicated...' Nathalie replies sadly.

A flashback appears in her mind as she remembers being with Gabriel holding torches inside of a cave, surrounded by snakes. She also remembers walking into a tent and looking surprised at the sight of Gabriel analysing a map with Emilie. She then starts coughing.

Adrien looks into her eyes with concern. 'Nathalie, is what happened to my mother... going to happen to you?' he asks solemnly.

Nathalie doesn't want to make him sad or worried for her. 'No. No, not at all, it will be okay. Don't worry about me, Adrien. You better go, or you'll be late for school.' She leads him to the door. 'I'm perfectly alright, don't worry.' She closes the door.

Nathalie sighs, then walks up to a glass cabinet with a mannequin dressed in explorer's clothes inside.

Meanwhile, Gabriel stands before Emilie's cryogenic pod.

Gabriel sighs. 'Emilie, I don't know what to do anymore. I don't know how to go on alone.'

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now