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After everyone had auditioned, Mr Hennessy looked over his notes for a few minutes, as everyone waited with baited breath.

'Okay, listen up everyone!' Mr Hennessy clapped as everyone gasped. 'I've made my decisions based on your individual performances. I will now call out the role and the name of the student getting said role in order of least to most importance:

Sampson will be played by Joseph Long

Peter will be played by Justin Thurston

Abram will be played by Curtis Shepherd

The Apothecary will be played by Sam Daniels

Gregory will be played by Lewis Stone

Balthasar will be played by Andrew Russell

Friar John will be played by Steven Robson

Lady Montague will be played by Ursula Green

Montague will be played by Adam Smith

Prince Escalus will be played by Julian Assante

Lady Capulet will be played by Sophia Thurston

Juliet's Nurse will be played by Stefanie Wiseman

Count Paris will be played by Benjamin Langston

Capulet will be played by Adrian Lang

Rosaline Capulet will be played by Isabel Fogg

Benvolio will be played by Kurt Johnson

Friar Laurence will be played by Jackson Smalls

Tybalt will be played by Jason Tiddle

Mercutio will be played by Alex Hyman

Romeo will be played by Owen Richardson with Timothy Kingston as his understudy'

Owen let out a small 'yes' as a whisper.

'And the part of Juliet will be played by....'

Persephone gasped as Zoe crossed both of her fingers in anticipation.

'...Zoe Lee with Persephone Truman as her understudy.' Mr Hennessy finished.

Zoe smiled as Owen smiled at her.

'WHAT?' Persephone cried. 'Mr Hennessy, surely you made a mistake! I'm sure you got our names mixed up, that I have the part of Juliet and Zoe is my understudy! Yeah, that's it!'

'No Persephone, what I said is correct' Mr Hennessy replied. 'Besides, it will be good to have a fresh face with such a raw talent for acting!'

'But I was way better at my line than her!' Persephone argued. 'Besides, I basically won't be in the show! Only if Zoe can't perform for any reason!'

Monarchs lair window opened. 'Ahh, what's this? Do I sense some jealousy from a stage diva having her crown taken from her? Let's see what we could do to make that work to our advantage!'

He evilises a megakuma in his hand.

'You were both so almost perfect it really was an extremely difficult decision' Mr Hennessy replied.

Owen came up and put his hand on Persephone's shoulder. 'Besides Persephone, being an understudy is a great honour!' Owen added. 'You're the second best performer as Juliet. Mr Hennessy can't see you playing anyone else!'

Persephone smiled at Owen and was practically melting from his touch. He's right she thought to herself. And there's nothing to prevent me maybe making Zoe have a little 'accident' before opening night. But for now, time to put my acting skills to good use.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now