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Marinette quite liked not being able to see anything, enjoying relying on her other senses only. She enjoyed holding onto Luka’s warm body as he rode along, nuzzling her cheek into his back and breathing him in deeply, smelling his cologne. She was enjoying making this memory so much that she didn’t hear Luka at first when he asked her: ‘Any guesses on what your surprise might be?’

‘Hmmm?’ Marinette replied, breaking out of her trance.

‘Your surprise’ Luka repeated. ‘Any guesses on what it might be?’

‘Oh, well obviously something that you can only do early in the morning. But I’m not sure why that is...’ Marinette replied.

‘You’ll see soon enough!’ Luka smiled. ‘We’re almost there!’

Marinette went back to using her ears to listen and feel Luka’s heartbeat as they rode the rest of the way in silence.

Marinette could feel Luka slow down to a stop. ‘Okay, we’re here’ he said softly, in that sensual voice of his that always made Marinette weak at the knees whenever she heard it.

‘Can I take the blindfold off now?’ Marinette asked.

‘Not yet, not yet’ Luka said softly but not harshly as he helped her off the bike and helped take her helmet off, all the while trusting him to be her eyes for her. He locked his bike and came and took her hands. ‘I’ll lead you to it angel’ he whispered as Marinette smiled and nodded.

After they had walked about 100 metres he stopped. ‘Okay, stand right there’ Luka smiled.

‘Okay’ Marinette replied.

‘You can remove the blindfold now’ Luka said as she lifted it up to her forehead, blinking a few times to have her eyes get used to the early morning light. She was greeted by a wondrous sight, a pink and blue hot air balloon.

‘Ta da!’ Luka grinned.

‘Wow! A hot air balloon?’ Marinette gasped.

‘Yep!’ Luka smiled. ‘And we get a hour to ride in it!’

‘We do?!’ Marinette replied, still almost in shock from such a wonderful surprise.

‘Yep! Come on!’ Luka smiled lovingly at her, taking her hand as they walked up to it excitedly.

‘Hello!’ a man greeted them. ‘My name is Marcus and I’ll be taking you both up in my hot air balloon today!’

‘Hello Marcus!’ Marinette smiled. ‘I’m delighted and thrilled to be here! I’ve never been in one of these before!’

‘As long as you’re not afraid of heights or birds, you’ll have a great time!’ Marcus replied. ‘Now, there’s a few safely procedures to go over before we go up in the air.’

Luka and Marinette nodded as they both knew safely was important with experiences like this.

After the safety briefing, Marcus opened the little door on the basket of the balloon and Luka and Marinette stepped inside as he locked and secured the door behind them.

After making sure they were all safety tethered to the basket as per safety protocols, Marcus pulled a little rope which blew more hot air into the balloon and they started to rise off the ground.

‘Wow, this is so exciting!’ Marinette almost squealed, squeezing Luka’s hand.

‘I’m glad you like it melody!’ Luka smiled, feeling excited himself. He’d always wanted to ride in a hot air balloon and being able to do so with the girl he loves was an added bonus.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now