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Zoe woke up in her room at Le Grand Paris Hotel. She had a question for her mother and stepfather and wasn't sure how it was going to be received.

She had a shower and got dressed for school. Then she went to the dining table for breakfast.

'Morning mother, morning Mayor Bourgeois' Zoe said.

'Morning sweetheart' Mayor Bourgeois replied.

'Morning Zara, uh, Zoe' Audrey replied, not even looking up from her phone.

Zoe sat down as Chloe came out, yawning.

'Morning mother. Morning daddy' Chloe said as she sat down.

'Morning sweetheart' Mayor Bourgeois replied.

'Morning Clara, uh, Chloe' Audrey replied as they began eating their breakfast.

'Morning Chloe' Zoe smiled at her half sister.

'Morning...' Chloe mumbled as she rolled her eyes.

There was scrambled eggs, bacon, grilled tomatoes and sausages. And orange juice to drink.

'Ugh, can I get some coffee mother?' Chloe argued. 'I didn't sleep very well for some reason. I think it's my pillow. Have it replaced immediately!'

'Of course' Audrey replied. 'Waitress, get some coffee for my daughter. Just give her whatever she wants.'

'Oat milk only please. A strong iced coffee, two sugars, shaken not stirred!' Chloe demanded.

'Right away Miss Bourgeois' the waitress said as she went to the kitchen with her coffee order.

Zoe gulped, but decided it was a better time than any to ask her question.

'Uh, mother, Mayor Bourgeois? Could I ask you a question?'

'Of course, sweetheart. You know you can call me dad if you like' Mayor Bourgeois smiled.

'No daddy, she can't' Chloe snapped. 'She's not even related to you. She has no right to call you daddy, only I have that right, as I am his rightful daughter' Chloe smirks at her.

'It's okay Mayor Bourgeois, I really don't mind' Zoe smiled back at him.

'What was your question sweetie?' Mayor Bourgeois replied.

'And make it quick, mommy has to get to the Style Magazine office toot sweet. Ugh, I swear that place would fall apart without me there. Somebody is going to get fired today' Audrey replied, as she goes through her phone while shovelling scrambled eggs into her mouth.

Zoe took a deep breath.

'Well, I was wondering if I could get transferred to a performing arts school. Since acting is my passion, it might open up more doors for me in my future career' Zoe smiled hopefully.

' that would ever happen' Chloe scoffed quietly to herself as she ate her grilled tomato.

'I think that's a wonderful idea Zoe' Mayor Bourgeois replied. 'I'm impressed that you are thinking of your future.'

'Changing schools, hmm?' Audrey replied, hardly looking up from her phone. 'Well, I don't know...'

'Just let her go mother' Chloe replied. 'If her going to a different school means that I get to see her ugly face less often, then I'm all for it.'

Zoe wasn't even phased about the mean remark, but was more excited about the fact that Chloe was on her side, albeit for a different reason. She smiled.

'Hmm, I guess it's okay' Audrey replied.

'What school were you thinking of sweetheart?' Mayor Bourgeois asked her.

'It's called the Conservatoire de Bordeaux Jacques Thibaud School of Performing Arts' Zoe replied.

Chloe almost choked on her orange juice. 'That's a mouthful' she chuckles. 'But if it gets you out of my face for the school day, it will be worth it. Where's my iced coffee?' she cries.

'Coming Miss Bourgeois' the waitress replied as she came running over to the table with it.
'About time! At least it's in a to go cup so I can drink it on the way to school. Sabrina!' Chloe cries as Sabrina runs in the door.

'I'm here Chloe!' Sabrina pants.

'Here, my bag!' Chloe says, giving it to her. 'John Paul, get my limo ready!'

'Yes Miss Bourgeois' he replied as she walks off to her limo.

'I'll make the arrangements for the transfer to the new school today sweetheart. If I pull a few strings, you should be able to start as early as next week' Mayor Bourgeois smiled.

'Thank you so much' Zoe replied, getting up and hugging him.

'Thank you mother!' Zoe smiled.

'Whatever you want Zara... Goodness, time I was off too' Audrey says, getting up and walking to her limo as well.

'Do you want me to organise another limo for you Zoe?' Mayor Bourgeois asked her.

'Maybe next week, when I start at the new school. But this week, I'll walk. It's such a nice day anyway' Zoe smiled in reply.

'Okay sweetheart' Mayor Bourgeois smiled.

'Okay sweetheart' Mayor Bourgeois smiled

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora