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The kids all helped set the table and lunch was served. Angus smiled and raised his glass. ‘A toast! To theaghlach!’

Marinette whispered to Luka, ‘What’s that?’

Luka smiled. ‘It means family.’

‘Ohhhh!’ Marinette replied.

‘To theaghlach!’ everyone replied, raising their glasses and clinking them together.

Marinette tried haggis and liked it and loved the mashed neeps and tatties and giggled to herself at the names.

‘I’m learning so much about your family’s culture and customs’ she smiled at Luka.

‘Hopefully one day I’ll learn about your Chinese and Italian culture too!’ Luka smiled.

‘I’d love to show you!’ Marinette smiled in reply.

Doom Kitty came out and stretched and started meowing as she rubbed against everyone’s legs.

‘Don’t give any food to the cat, no matter what she says, she’s already been fed!’ Arnaka said.

‘Aww! She’s cute!’ Skye says, petting her as she purred against her hand.

‘Ya, but she’s a handful sometimes’ Juleka smiled.

After dinner, Marinette remembered the dessert she bought and the Dundee cake. Psychic Flora came up to her.

‘Shall we check on the Dundee cake we made together pet? It should be almost done now!’

‘Great idea! I was just wondering that myself! I’ll be right there!’ Marinette replied as she started to get up but accidentally kicked something under the table.

‘Oh, I’m so sorry Eloise, did I hurt you?’ Marinette asked worriedly as Eloise chuckled.

‘Not at all lass! Can’t feel it on that one anyway!’ Eloise winked as Marinette looked at her with a raised eyebrow.

‘Oh, didn’t Luka tell ye?’ Eloise replied. ‘I was born without my left leg from the knee down! But I never let that stop me!’ she grins.

Marinette smiles.

‘Marinette!’ Flora calls from the kitchen.

‘Oh, excuse me, I need to check on our dessert!’ Marinette replied as she went to help Flora in the kitchen.

‘I’ve checked the cake, it’s done pet!’ Flora smiled. ‘I’ve turned the oven off, now just need something to get it out.’

‘I can do that!’ Marinette replied, putting on some oven mitts.

She carefully took the cake out of the oven.

‘Mmm, it smells heavenly!’ Marinette smiled.

‘That’s because we made it with love pet!’ Flora smiled.

‘But isn’t it still too hot to serve?’ Marinette asked.

‘That’s why we made it today pet! For dessert tomorrow!’ Flora winked. ‘And why Luka asked you to bring some for today. Besides, Dundee cake always tastes the best when it’s cut the next day. I’ll help you get your dessert ready pet!’

‘Okay, thanks Flora!’ Marinette replied.

‘You can call me Grams if you like, everyone does!’ Flora smiled.

‘Okay Grams!’ Marinette smiled as she got the scones and cream out of the fridge.

Flora helped cut them in half and they brought them out with some side plates and knives, along with the jam and cream.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now