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Joshua had decided while Amber was busy with the rehearsals for the flash mob and now planning the end of school dance with Zoe, it was the perfect opportunity to have Luka help him practice his Spanish guitar.

Owen was keen to see how he was getting along with it too and they both walked to the Liberty, after school, while making a detour first as Joshua went to fetch the Spanish guitar from his house.

As they walked, Joshua decided to put Operation Zowen into action.

‘So amigo, how goes your feelings for Zoe?’ he asked him.

‘Still strong as ever’ Owen sighed.

‘Well, I have some good news for you amigo!’ Joshua smiled.

‘You found a cure?’ Owen replied.

‘Not exactly. But I can tell you that Zoe feels the same way about you!’ Joshua replied.

‘She does?’ Owen replied. ‘Hey, she doesn’t know that I like her, right?’ Owen asked him.

‘Don’t worry my friend, she doesn’t know’ Joshua lied. ‘But now you know she feels the same, maybe it will be easier to tell her how you feel!’

Owen looked at his Alias ring with the same picture Amber had taken and sent to him and Zoe of them both together, and smiled. ‘Yeah...I’ll try at school tomorrow!’ he smiled.

‘Great amigo! I’m sure it will go great!’ Joshua replied as they got to the Liberty for Joshua’s guitar practice.

On Tuesday morning, after Amber’s revelation about Owen’s feelings for her the previous afternoon, Zoe was a nervous wreck.

Chloe noticed this. ‘Well, well, you don’t look so good’ Chloe smirks. ‘Someone not get their beauty sleep?’ she laughed.

 ‘Someone not get their beauty sleep?’ she laughed

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‘Something like that...’ Zoe sighed.

‘Not so high and mighty now huh, you loser half-sister?’ Chloe grinned. ‘Maybe you’ll think twice before speaking to me in such a manner as yesterday. And maybe, I might not send you back to New York after all. Just as long as you don’t cross me again.’

Zoe was too lost in her own thoughts to even take in anything Chloe said.

When she got to school, Zoe stepped out of her limo and Amber came up to her.

‘Hey Zo! Owen’s just over there! Ready to tell him what’s in your heart?’ Amber grinned.

Zoe looked over and saw Persephone get out of a limo along with Ashleigh and Penelope.

‘Uh...maybe later, I need to check something out at the library!’ she said in a panicked tone and ran off.

‘Did she seem off to you?’ Amber asked Jameela.

‘Very off! In fact, she’s taken off!’ Jameela replied.

Amber furrowed her brow, deep in thought.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now