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The next morning, Monday came and everyone came to the realisation that Luka really was gone.

Luka had sent a group text to the gang at 6am that morning:

"Just arrived in glorious Glasgow. Grams and Gramps met me at the train station and Gramps drove us to their farm in his ute. Got to meet the family of goats they have. Should be a fun adventure! Can't wait to share more! Will send you postcards! Miss you all already! Love Luka"

Everyone smiled when they saw the message, everyone except Juleka, who when she woke up, was hoping this was some kind of nightmare or sick prank. But as she looked at the message on her phone and looked over at Luka's empty bed and sighed, her heart grew heavy. Why'd you have to leave me bro? she thought to herself as she decided to go to school early.

If I stay away from home as much as possible, she thought, I'll be less likely to miss him.I'll avoid all the places in Paris that remind me of Luka as much as I can.Luckily, we go to different schools, so that won't be much different.

Juleka quickly showered and got dressed, brushed her hair and cleaned her teeth. She made sure all her homework was in her school bag and went out to the kitchen.

'Morning Mom' Juleka said making a beeline for the door as Arnaka turned around with a big plate of pancakes.

'Mornin' lass!' Arnaka said with a smile. 'I made yer favourite breakfast to cheer ya up! Blueberry pancakes! Come sit down and have some!'

'No thanks Mom, I'm not that hungry ' Juleka replied as she grabbed an apple out of the fruit basket, kissed Arnaka on the cheek and hurried out the door.

'But it' early...' Arnaka replied as Juleka was already out of earshot and practically sprinting to school. Arnaka sighed, hoping to be able to talk to her daughter about her feelings soon.

When Juleka got to school, she smiled when she saw Rose. She could always cheer her up.

'Hey Jule!' Rose smiled, hugging her. 'I've never seen you at school this early before!'

'I just wanted to be anywhere but home' Juleka replied. 'Actually, could I have a sleepover at your place tonight?' Juleka asked her with a pleading look.

'Well, sure! I guess you can, but-' Rose began as Juleka cut her off with a hug.

'Thanks, you're the bestest friend in the entire world!' Juleka replied, kissing her cheek before breaking out of the hug, leaving a dumbfounded Rose, and going to the library. She had an idea.

She went upstairs to the library where for a Monday morning, it was pretty quiet.

She went up to Ms Mackenzie, the school librarian, who was stamping books at her desk.

'Um, excuse me, ma'am...' Juleka asked quietly.

'Hmm? What was that?' Ms Mackenzie replied, looking up from her desk. 'Oh, Juleka Couffaine, I thought I heard a quiet voice. Actually, I wish every student had a nice quiet voice like that in the library. How can I help you?'

'Um, well, I was wondering if you had any books in the library about how to distract yourself?' Juleka asked.

Ms Mackenzie considered. 'Hmm, that's a change. Most students want to go the other way, finding they can easily get too distracted and want to get help to keep them more focused on their schoolwork. May I ask what you're trying to distract yourself from?'

'Well, someone very close to me moved away, so I want to try ways of distracting myself so I won't miss them as much' Juleka replied.

'Ahh. That makes sense, I guess. If we have anything, it will probably be in the self-help section. That's in that aisle over there' Ms Mackenzie smiled, gesturing to the aisle.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя