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Meanwhile, while Marinette's empathetic listening exercise was happening, at the performing arts school, Zoe, Owen and Persephone were in the theatre hall at Romeo and Juliet rehearsals with Mr Hennessy. They had already done some less important scenes, and were about to rehearse a key scene.

Persephone yawned. Ugh, being an understudy is so boring! she thought to herself. I can't even do anything and just have to watch everything. What is the point of me even being here? This is so ridiculous. If it wasn't for me getting to perve on Owiekins, I would have left ages ago.

'Okay, listen up students! Now we are getting to the good stuff! We're going to be rehearsing Romeo and Juliet's first meeting and first kiss scene. I want it to be believable people! I want it to breathe passion and emotion. Give it everything you've got!' Mr Hennessy said with so much energy.

Zoe gulped at that while Persephone rolled her eyes and scowled to herself. I can't believe I have to witness this she thought to herself. That should be me up there, not that goody-goody blonde, blue eyed bimbo.

Then she thought to herself and smirked.

Maybe I don't have to endure this.

She texted Penelope:

Persephone: "You have a free period, right?"

Penelope: "Yeah, but I'm helping Alan with his algebra."

Persephone: "Tell him a family emergency came up. This is more important. I'm initiating Plan Delta."

Penelope: "Noooo, not plan Delta!"

Persephone: "I can't do it or Zoe will suspect me of interfering"

Penelope: "Sis..."

Persephone: "Do it! Unless you want the whole school to know you still sleep with a teddy bear! Besides, you owe me, remember? For raising your voice to me yesterday?"

Penelope: "Fine..."

You'll soon learn Zoe, Persephone thought to herself. If I can't have Owen, no one can. And just like the real Romeo and Juliet, your love story with Owen will end in tragedy. And I'll be there to pick up the pieces. And you'll learn not to mess with a Truman triplet!

Mr Hennessy claps his hands a few times. 'Okay, so to give you all a bit of context: The scene starts with the Capulet household getting ready for the ball. Romeo arrives and sees Juliet dancing with someone. Romeo is overheard talking about Juliet by Tybalt. Tybalt wants to remove Romeo from the party but Lord Capulet stops him. Romeo and Juliet meet and kiss each other before the Nurse calls Juliet away. Afterwards, they discover each other's true identity. Owen and Zoe, front and centre!'

The two walked up to the stage.

'You too Stefanie, you're Juliet's nurse, you wait in the wings over there until after the kiss scenes' Mr Hennessy instructs her.

'Yes sir' Stefanie replied as she went to the side of the stage.

Penelope texted Persephone back.

Penelope: "I'm in position"

Persephone: "Good, await my signal!"

Penelope: "Okay"

'Okay, places people!' Mr Hennessy said excitedly. 'Act 1, Scene 5...aaaaannnnnd, action!'

Owen (as Romeo):

If I profane with my unworthiest hand

This holy shrine, the gentle sin is this:

My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now