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Meanwhile, at the Île aux Cygnes, André is heard singing his trademark ice cream song.

André: ♫ My name is André! André! Glacé! The sweetheart matchmaker! With one scoop or two, I'll find love for you! ♫

Luka and Marinette had arrived and walked up to him.

'Good evening, André!' they greeted the jolly ice-cream man.

'Marinette! Luka! My two favourite customers! One Lukanette special?' he smiled.

'You know it Andre!' they answered.

'This time, I give-a you something extra! Heart sprinkles!'

He added tiny pink and blue heart sprinkles on top of the ice-cream. 'There!' he smiled, handing it to Luka as he handed him the money.

'Bon appetit!' André smiled.

'Thanks Andre!' they smiled as they walked away to a seat to eat their ice-cream.

After Luka and Marinette had left to eat their ice-cream, Amber and Joshua came up shortly afterwards.

'Ahh, Amber and Joshua, right?' Andre smiled.

'Yes, that's right!' Amber smiled.

'Good to see you again!' André replied. 'Another sweetheart's ice-cream for you both?'

'Yes please! The first one was so good, we just had to get another!' Joshua replied.

'Here you go!' Andre replied, handing Joshua the ice-cream as he paid for it.

'Bon appetit!' André smiled.

'Thank you so much Andre!' Amber replied.

'Let's go sit down, chica' Joshua smiled, taking her hand as Amber blushed.

Back at the Agreste manor, Adrien was finishing his dinner of chicken salad.

'Did you finish all your homework son?' Gabriel asked him.

'Not yet, I'll go do that now, before turning in. Goodnight Dad, goodnight Nathalie!' Adrien replied as he got up from the table and headed to his room.

'Goodnight son' Gabriel replied.

'Goodnight Adrien' Nathalie replied.

When he reached his room and closed the door, Plagg flew out of his pocket, confused.

'I thought you already finished your homework?' Plagg asked him.

'I have Plagg, that was all a ruse so I can see Kagami...' Adrien smiled as he thought about her.

'Wait, you're not going to do what I think you're going to do!' Plagg gasped.

'And why wouldn't I? I've done this countless times. And nothing has ever gone wrong' Adrien pointed out.

'But I thought your dad said no, and Sugarcube says you're not supposed to use our powers for selfish reasons...'

'What dad doesn't know won't hurt him. Or hurt me for that matter. I'm tired of him treating me like a child. I'll be 17 next month, almost an adult. He still treats me like I'm 5 years old.'

Plagg sighed. 'And just when I thought it was going to be a quiet night...'

'Okay, if it makes you feel better, think of it as an evening patrol, but I can talk to Kagami while I do it.'

Plagg sighs. 'Okay. I sure hope you know what you're doing.'

'Trust me. Plagg, claws out!' Adrien says, transforming into Cat Noir and leaping out the window.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now