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A couple of days later, Anne-Jeanne had graded their one-page reports.

'The majority of you did well on your empathetic listening reports. She begins handing them out. 'Marinette, A+, well done.'

'Thank you miss' Marinette smiled as she took her report back.

'Suck up' Chloe mumbled to Lila who smirked.

'You too Adrien, A+, well done.'

'Thank you miss' Adrien smiled.

She gave out all the others as she made her way to the back of the classroom which were a mixture of A's, B+ and C+'s.

'Lila, B+, quite good.' Anne-Jeanne said.

'I expected as much' Lila grinned.

'However, Chloe, D-. Shocking report.'

'What?' Chloe retorted

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'What?' Chloe retorted. 'Pfft, well that was hardly my fault! I had the quietest partner who hardly said anything!'

'Because you never let me get a word in!' Nathaniel complained, but still grateful he himself received a B- grade, considering the partner he had to work with.

'Then you should have spent more time with your partner at lunch or after school like I told you to. It seems clear that you need to work on your empathetic listening skills.' Anne-Jeanne replied.

Chloe sighed. 'Fine' she replied, taking the paper begrudgingly.

Lila smiled. 'Relax...' she grinned. As soon as Anne-Jeanne had gone back to the front of the classroom, she got out a red marker from her pencil case and used it to change the grade from a D- to a B+.

 As soon as Anne-Jeanne had gone back to the front of the classroom, she got out a red marker from her pencil case and used it to change the grade from a D- to a B+

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'See? Same as me bestie' she winked.

'You are magic bestie!' Chloe whispered as she put it in the back of her notebook.

'That's nothing compared to what I have planned for Dupain-Cheng and her little goody-goody friends in the coming weeks' Lila replied as Chloe smirked.

Later that week on Thursday, Lila happened to walk past Marinette and Alya to go to the bathroom in the school cafeteria as they were talking.

'So, I was stuck on the phone for twenty minutes with this telemarketer who just wouldn't take no for an answer!' Alya said.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now