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They lost sight of Delmar as he ran into an alleyway. 'Howwl, we have to save my girlfriend! Howwl, full moon!' he said, transforming into Grey Wolf.

Marinette and Adrien managed to split up as they followed the giant Sabrina cloud.

'We have to try to get through to Sabrina Tikki! Spots on!' she cried, transforming into Ladybug and swinging away.

Plagg flew out of Adrien's jacket in an abandoned alleyway. 'That's one huge cloud girl!' Plagg said.

'Yeah, I hope Sabrina will be alright. Plagg, claws out!' Adrien said, transforming into Cat Noir.

Jessica and Aeon were together in an alley, keeping an eye on the huge Sabrina cloud.

'We'd better help out!' Jess said. 'Liiri, wings of liberty!' Jess said as she transforms into Eagle.

'Yes, that poor girl!' Aeon replied as she pressed a button on her bracelet and transforms into Uncanny Valley.

'Sabrina, please!' Ladybug was calling out on top of a building with a megaphone she found. 'I'm sure your friend didn't mean to hurt you intentionally! I'm sure it was all a big misunderstanding!'

Cat Noir landed next to her. 'It's no use LB, she can't see or hear us!' he said sadly.

'Well, that's just peachy, how are we going to deakumatise her then?' Eagle asked, landing next to them. 'Especially since she's practically vapour. And we have no idea where the akumatised object is.'

'Maybe if we get in closer!' Uncanny Valley suggested as she flies up to Solitude's face.

Grey Wolf joined them. 'We have to save this prec- I mean, poor girl!' he said sadly.

Ladybug smiled a knowing smile. 'We will!' she reassured him.

Solitude meanwhile, was looking at the city of Paris. Finally, what I deserve she thinks to herself. Solitude, being alone, this is my fate. I feel so calm and at ease now.

Suddenly, something flew into her face. She tries swatting it away with her hand. 'Shoo, shoo!' she says.

Cat Noir is surprised. 'How come she can see Uncanny and not us?'

'Hmm, her powers must only eliminate seeing or hearing humans. Uncanny is an Android!' Ladybug observed.

'Please Sabrina, we just want to talk!' Uncanny Valley said to her.

'I don't want to talk! Leave me alone!' Solitude replied, turning darker into a storm cloud and trying to zap Uncanny with lightning.

'Yikes! She's way mad!' Uncanny said, managing to avoid getting electrocuted as she joined the heroes once again.

'She was trying to make friends using this checklist I found' Grey Wolf said.

Ladybug reads it aloud. 'If your friend doesn't answer the phone, doesn't call you back and doesn't make time to listen to you, you can be sure that this person doesn't want to be your friend?' She sighed.

'It's this list that's absurd and we're going to help her see that!' Cat Noir said determinedly.

'But how, if the only one she can see or hear is Uncanny?' Eagle asked.

'She can't see or hear us, but she can read!' Grey Wolf said. 'And I happen to know she's fluent in Japanese. And she taught me some. Follow my lead!'

They followed Grey Wolf and move around some cars and buses. Grey Wolf directs them from the top of the Arch de Triumph.

'A little to the left Eagle! That should be an L before that K, Cat Noir' Grey Wolf said as they finished it off.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now