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They all got to deciphering the incantation and then Marinette had to transform into Ladybug for the spell to work.

'Okay, I think we're all set to try it... Are you 100% sure you want to do this my prince? We don't even know if these side effects will be painful or not...'

Ladybug looked worriedly into Luka's eyes as he smiled at her and put his arms around her waist, pulling her gently closer to him.

'My angel....' he whispered. 'Any amount of physical pain for a few hours will be nothing compared to the risk of Monarch finding out yours or Cat Noir's identities...'

'But it's not fair on you...' Ladybug breathed, resting her forehead on his chest as he gently rubbed her back. 'You shouldn't have to bear this responsibility...'

'I know I didn't choose it angel....' Luka replied softly. 'But I wouldn't change a thing. And you know why?'

Ladybug looked up into his eyes and shook her head.

'Because I've gotten to know and love both sides of an amazing girl. Who always sticks up for her friends and for justice. Who loves the city she lives in and all the people in it. And it's an honour to be her support.'

He smiles and leans in and kisses her soft lips, both of them sighing happily as both their lips didn't want to part from the others, but eventually they did.

Ladybug smiled. 'You know, to be perfectly honest, I couldn't think of a more suitable person for the job of hero support!' Ladybug chuckled as Luka blushed and chuckled too.

Ladybug took a deep breath. 'Okay then. Ready?' she asked him.

'Ready as I'll ever be!' Luka smiled, taking a deep breath too.

'Okay, here goes!' Ladybug replied, trying the spell a few times, and creating some small explosions but it wasn't working.

'Hmm, what am I doing wrong?' she said, looking over the notes again. 'Ahh, I think that's it! Okay, from the top!'

She tried again, this time there was a flash of light and a louder explosion and a little smoke.

Ladybug coughs. 'Did it work?' she asked.

'I'm not sure...' Luka replied. 'But I feel a little weird.'

Ladybug opened the window to air out the room.

Then she looked down and saw the pile of Luka's clothes on the floor. She gasped. 'Spots off!' she whispered, transforming back into Marinette. 'Tikki!' she whispered, covering her eyes. 'I don't want to alarm you, but I think my boyfriend is invisible and or possibly naked somewhere in this room!'

'No Marinette, look!' Tikki replied as Marinette removed her hand from over her eyes as the pile of clothes started moving.

'Yah!' Marinette yelped as something white and furry came out from under them. Luka looked up at Marinette. 'What's going on?' he asked. 'Why are you so much taller all of a sudden?'

Then he held up his arm and looked at it. He gasped. 'I'm all furry!'

'Awww!' Tikki and Marinette replied in unison as their eyes grew big. 'You're an adorable teddy bear!' Marinette giggled.

 'You're an adorable teddy bear!' Marinette giggled

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SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now