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On Sunday morning, the morning after Monarch's unexpected visit, Marinette is up early.

Luka texted her:

Luka: "Morning beautiful. How'd you sleep?"

Mari: "Surprisingly well, given last night's events. You?"

Luka: "Wow, I didn't expect a reply so quick. I thought you might be sleeping in. I slept pretty well."

Mari: "Nope. In fact, I was thinking of going for a morning jog to clear my head. Wanna join me?"

Luka: "Sure, I got a bit of time before I start my delivery job. Meet you there in 10!"

Mari: "Great, see you soon!"

Mari waits for Luka outside the bakery, in her jogging gear.

Luka smiles when he sees her. 'Wow, you really look the part!'

'Thanks! I designed it myself if course!' Mari blushed in reply. 'I like your outfit though!'

Luka wore a white tank top and jogging pants with his signature Vans shoes.

'Thanks. Shall we get going my angel?'

'Yes, let's go!' Marinette secured her phone to her arm to record her steps and they set off.

They reached the Seine, Marinette and Luka begin jogging over a bridge. They see Adrien featured in an advertisement of the Alias rings and they stopped jogging.

'I thought Adrien was no longer interested in being a model? He said his father was giving him more free time to spend with Kagami?' Luka said, puzzled.

Marinette smiled. 'He isn't, Luka. What you're looking at is a digitized 3D model of Adrien. He told us before school the other week.'

'Wow, he looks so real! Could've fooled me!' Luka chuckled, as Marinette giggles.

The advertisement continues to play as Marinette and Luka continue to jog, Mr Damocles, dressed as 'The Owl' is seen climbing up the billboard to rescue a cat. They stop to check him out.

'The Owl' calls to the cat. 'Kitty, kitty, come here, boy! Mama Michelle will be so sad if you don't come home!'

The cat pounces on his head, causing him to lose balance from the billboard and fall down. Luckily, his cape gets caught on the ladder. His mask unfortunately falls down the pavement and gets run over by a car and gets broken. The Owl scowls.

Marinette and Luka gasp as Marinette prepares to rush in to save The Owl. 'Quick, Tikki-'

But before she could say anything more, a flash of red with black spots rushes towards him. 'Hold on, I'm coming!' The fake Ladybug climbs up to save the Owl. 'Don't be afraid. Give me your hand!'

The Owl reaches out for her hand and pulls him from the ladder, causing the both of them to fall on their rears on the platform.

'Who on earth is that?' Luka asked Marinette.

'I have no Idea, but I'm going to get to the bottom of this!' she replies. As Marinette runs to them to give them a scolding, the two gets off the platform.

'Thank you for rescuing me, Ladybug!' The Owl says gratefully.

The fake Ladybug grins. 'Oh, you're welcome! You gotta know when to step in. That's the only way you can change things in life!'

As Marinette comes closer she recognises the fake Ladybug. 'Socqueline?'

Socqueline panics. 'W-What? No, I'm Ladybug! Just a normal superhero!' She salutes. 'Bug out!'

The Owl also fancily makes his escape. 'Yeah! Hoo-hoo-hoo! Owl mist!' He throws a smoke bomb on the ground and runs away.

Marinette remains to be confused after The Owl and the fake Ladybug flee.

Luka comes over to her. 'Did you recognise her, my angel?'

'I think it might have been an old friend from school' Marinette replied. 'She changed schools a while back so I hadn't seen her in a while. But I have to convince her to stop putting herself in danger like that.'

Luka smiled. 'I hope if she's a good friend, she'll listen to you. I have to go, I need to start my deliveries soon. But shall we catch up this afternoon for ice-cream at Andre's?'

'Sounds like a plan my prince!' Mari smiled.

Luka chuckled and kissed her hair. 'Good luck talking to your friend. I hope it all works out!' Luka smiled.

'I'll let you know how it goes!' Mari smiled as they both waved and headed for home.

Marinette grinned as she jogged home. 'You know what, Tikki? It's time to go buy some paint!'

'Huh? What's that got to do with anything?' Tikki asks.

'You'll see!' Mari replied.

SEASON 5 - LUKANETTE VERSION PART 1 OF 2 Where stories live. Discover now