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Y'all want a fight? I'll give y'all the fight. 🤭 (this picture 💳💥)

The next few days became some back and forth between Leilah and Marbella. They keep talking the biggest shit on the internet until Leilah had enough and told her to meet her so they can settle this face-to-face. She's currently in their home gym doing some daily exercises just like the doctor recommended. Kevin walks in with Milán in his hands.
Kevin: Baby, where are the diapers? I think he just took a big shit in there!
Leilah: In the closet close to our bed!
Kevin: Okay good! You've been in the gym for 30 minutes, are you okay?
Leilah: I am, I am...
Kevin: So you're really gonna fight her?
Leilah: Hell yeah I am, And this belly is not gonna stop me...

Kevin stops her from lifting weights.
Kevin: Be careful okay? Please...
Leilah: I'm gonna be fine I promise, you don't need to worry.
Kevin: I do worry, what if it goes wrong?
Leilah: It won't, babe I'll be okay...

She gives him a reassuring smile and helps him find the diapers. When Kevin took out the diapers off him, he quickly backs up from the stench.
Kevin: AAYYYY NO!!! I can't! You do it!
Leilah: I did it last time! It's your turn now! I told you how to do it!
Kevin: Yes I know but he fucking shitted a lot this time! And it stinks!
Leilah: Get your hands into it!

She grabs his hands and helps him get the diaper out and puts a new one on Milán.
Leilah: See?? It's not too bad!
Kevin: Yeeeaahhh no I don't wanna do it again! You've got everything ready for Colima tomorrow?
Leilah: Yeah I do! And you?
Kevin: Yup! Everything is ready! I'll just have to pump up some gas for the car and we're gonna be for a long ride!
Leilah: I'll probably pack up some snacks then.

They get out of the gym to go to the kitchen. Leilah is excited to see his hometown; she'll learn about new places and he could tell her his childhood stories. It's also great that Milán will get to know his grandmother and visit his grandfather's grave so he can know the father's side of the family.

Leilah's parents have yet to see Milán and she believes that they won't even come at all to say hi. Her reputation is so damaged that they are embarrassed to have her as their own daughter. It's alright, She's fighting through it; they've met more than 1 year ago and boy did they've been through what a bare couple would experience in their lifetime. Her real family is right next to Kevin and Milán now; if they don't want to come then so be it.

Marbella is talking the most shit about her on social media just to provoke her enough. Leilah is ready to fight; even with a big stomach recovering from her pregnancy. Kevin is worried about her doing this because she could get badly hurt or worse, get killed if Marbella does something crazy. Leilah sends a text to Marbella to send her to a deserted location to meet up.

"If you're a real woman, pull up." Leilah wrote.

She grabbed her jacket and Kevin stops her.
Kevin: You can't go out there alone!
Leilah: You want to come with me?
Kevin: Yes, just in case.
Leilah: And Milán?
Kevin: I'll take care of him in the car. I'll be checking on you too. If something goes wrong, I'm jumping in. Okay?

She nods and dresses up Milán. The three of them get in the car and Kevin drives to the location. They were the first ones to arrive and Leilah is tapping her feet impatiently. Kevin places his hand on her thigh to calm her down.
Kevin: Hey...it's gonna be okay...I know you're stronger than her...
Leilah: I just want all this shit to be over so we can focus on our family...
Kevin: We will, it's gonna be over soon...

Toxic ~ Kevin Alvarez & João FélixWhere stories live. Discover now